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This article is the second in a four part series on turning 5 yards of spinnaker fabric into a SuperUltraLight (SUL) tarp, pack, and stuff sack. Five Yards to SuperUltraLight, Part 1 showed how the fabric was divided efficiently into the various pieces for each project. In Part 2 we will construct a SUL stuff sack. I have used this stuff sack design for years. It has everything a stuff sack needs without extra bells and whistles, and can be made in under an hour. The simplistic design resonates in the 0.2-ounce final weight. ARTICLE OUTLINE
  • Overview
    • Stuff Sack Project Ratings
  • Recommended Materials and Equipment
  • Construction
  • Final Step
# WORDS: 750 # PHOTOS: 16 # TABLES: 1
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