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The Jetboil integrated canister stove represents a major technological advance, giving Jetboil a firm foothold in the canister stove market. Now Jetboil is introducing accessories that make the Jetboil Personal Cooking System (PCS) even more versatile. For Jetboil users who take their camp coffee seriously, the new Jetboil French Press delivers freshly brewed java with a nominal increase in carry weight. And for group cooking, the new Jetboil Companion Cup provides a strategy to save a little weight by letting one burner do double (or triple) duty. I evaluated the logistics and efficacy of these new gadgets, and report my findings in this review.


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Model year, Weight, MSRP
  • Performance
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations For Improvement

# WORDS: 1000



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