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If industry leaders are correct and scarcity of time is what keeps us from getting out more, then perhaps the most sensible thing to do is to figure out how to streamline the process of taking a backcountry trip. Maybe it's time to redefine what constitutes a satisfactory foray into wild country. Maybe it's time to eliminate, as much as possible, the friction that keeps us from going backpacking.

After all, scarcity of time notwithstanding, many of us still seem to end up spending a few days every so often at some ill-advised gathering with people that annoy us. So why is it that we can take the time to fulfill some of our less compelling social obligations, but we can't find the time to throw a pack on our back and head into the hills for some spiritual sustenance?

The following six steps should help you streamline the process of getting ready for a trip into the backcountry. The idea is to reduce the friction of planning and preparation to an absolute minimum. This, in turn, transforms every gap in your calendar into an opportunity to start your own little cultural revolution.


  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6

# WORDS: 1120

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