I received my first batch of postcards which are pictures I got off of my trailcameras. The background is driftwood which I photographed at a nearby beach. I hope to make more in the future but this was a quite the little investment and my best bet are three local shops that see a lot of tourists, hence #2 ( and probably #3). They are a dollar each but only on BPL you can mix and match 7 for 5 dollars or 15 for 10 dollars including shipping. They are regular 4×6 postcards with a legit back with pertinent info and a place for stamps etc. I took pictures of the cards with my ipad and had to compress them so much in order to post that they lost a lot resolution in the process.
All money goes towards fixing up my little cabin in the Swiss alps.
I have a few more cards, posting them here more to show than anything. I have given away a few to friends and acquaintences but they are selling well at the local stores in the little town just a few miles down the road. I did get a good deal having them made so if anyone is interested let me know :)
This one with the eagle is a little gruesome but it’s real..
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