
What Properties Influence the Air Permeability of Wind Shirt Fabrics?

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable What Properties Influence the Air Permeability of Wind Shirt Fabrics?

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  • #3810393
    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    Companion forum thread to: What Properties Influence the Air Permeability of Wind Shirt Fabrics?

    The purpose of this report is to investigate the relationship between air permeability, fabric porosity, weave type, and yarn structure via photomicrography and image analysis. This is not an exhaustive research study, but rather, an exploration of some of the fabric design attributes that have an impact on air permeability rates.

    Eric Kammerer
    BPL Member


    I’m having trouble reconciling this:

    The porosity ratio of calendered vs. uncalendered fabric is approximately 22X, and the APR ratio is approximately 158X, suggesting a positive correlation between porosity and APR.

    with this:

    Table 1

    The chart looks like it shows negative correlation between porosity and APR. What am I getting wrong?

    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    Well, that’s because there was an error in the table – sorry about that! The APR measurements for calendered vs. uncalendered were accidentally transposed. The table has been corrected now.

    Scott Emmens
    BPL Member


    This is heavy going, but interesting nonetheless! After three readings I am now understanding it…..I think.

    Do you know if the Kor Airshell 2023 and Kor Airshell 2024 are constructed from the same model of Quantum Air, or are they made using a different version/model? I ask this because this is were garment manufactures (as opposed to fabric manufacturers) potentially let the end user down. In the Mountain Hardware marketing guff about these garments I’m sure (I don’t actually know) they likely just call the fabric of both the 2023 and 2024 versions “Quantum Air” so the end user would assume they are the same fabric. Obviously most users will not care, and might not even notice, but to the discerning user this is a big deal. Why the change? Cost? Improved performance? We will never know…

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