
Toilet Stool for Backpacking?

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Home Forums Gear Forums Gear (General) Toilet Stool for Backpacking?

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    MJ H
    BPL Member


    Stay tuned!

    Will this be a regular report?

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    Ha!  I’m only planning on one more post…

    Kenneth Keating


    Locale: Sacramento, Calif

    Ask Bearikade to make a bear canister for you with top and bottom openings. :)



    Locale: The Cascades

    “Ask Bearikade to make a bear canister for you with top and bottom openings. :)”

    Now that’s funny. And actually a legitimate idea! A twofer!

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    I’m back from a 3-night trip on the Allegheny Front Trail with some other BPL buddies and can report on the use of the Toilet-Tree Hammock in the field.  In summary, I like it.  Here’s why:

    • First of all, I’ve rechristened it the “Sh*t Sitter” (it just sounds better)
    • Stringing it up between the trees was surprisingly fast and easy, perhaps in part because I’m so used to putting up a hammock
    • Dig your cathole after the Sitter is strung up – it’s pretty easy to see where to dig
    • The seat itself is very comfortable while you’re doing your business
    • I left the case for it at home to make it a little lighter, but you don’t need the case to hold your TP supply – you can just put it in the “shelf” created by the clothing you pulled down below your knees
    • As a guy it’s very easy to make sure you don’t piss all over your pants – this is a real bonus
    • Being able to wipe while seated remains a beautiful thing
    • It’s easy to fill in your cathole before taking down the Sitter – it should be high enough that it doesn’t get in the way at all and that way you don’t have to worry about a strap falling into your fresh pile
    • Because you’re digging between two trees you’re less likely to uncover a previous occupant’s cathole by accident

    I’ll continue to take it on trips, but I’ll probably see what I can do with Dutchware products (and perhaps even with the help of Dutch himself since I’m lucky enough to live near his new factory) to lighten the straps and make it easier/faster to hang.




    Locale: The Cascades

    Kevin Babione sitting between trees


    first comes the poop

    then comes the pee

    then comes a quick wipe, easy as can be!

    (sorry, I don’t know what makes me do such things….)


    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    This is insanity

    just squat

    nice poetry Doug

    MJ H
    BPL Member


    If you wanted to up the difficulty, could you use it like a swing and go back and forth over the cathole?

    MJ H
    BPL Member


    just squat

    A few weeks ago there was a thread about squatting and I’ve been doing it as exercise since then, like when I’m on the phone or waiting for the bus (just the squat, with no pooping). However, I threw out my back on Monday. I don’t know that they are related, but I don’t know that they aren’t.

    Michael Sirofchuck
    BPL Member


    Locale: Great Wet North

    My wife has two artificial hips (one which has been replaced twice).  She can hike and backpack if I carry her gear.  She is absolutely forbidden by her orthopedic surgeon to “just squat” – she would be in danger of dislocating a hip.  So this thread has been helpful to me.  If we are somewhere with fallen logs or large rocks, she’s OK.  But if we head into the desert, allowances must be made and devices must be used..

    MJ H
    BPL Member


    to lighten the straps and make it easier/faster to hang

    Could you use your tree straps from the hammock and just have the seat?

    BPL Member


    MJ H
    BPL Member


    A seat that convenient probably needs to be defended.

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    Doug – Love the ditty!  I could hear you singing it in my head.

    As for “just squatting” – I can’t.  It’s very uncomfortable for me – sitting on the ground (nothing to do with pooping) is painful as well.

    As I said, I’ll keep bringing it on trips.  I thought about using my hammock tree straps and then just adding some Amsteel whoopies to the Sitter, but each time I used the Sitter on this past trip my hammock was already set up.

    I’ll start a new thread with an updated weight after I work some magic with Dutch.

    Sean P
    BPL Member


    Locale: S.E. Australia

    Maybe I am equipped with the wrong nozzle but if I tried any of the aids out I am sure that they would end up bespeckled with a fine brown mist.

    Have you considered that a rope and tree might be a better option? That is, tie a rope around a tree lean back using the rope tension to replace any hamstring or quad infirmity that makes you consider a portable throne a good idea.

    tip:pick a big tree and strong rope.

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    Someone used to make something like that called the Squat Strap but it’s no longer available – it did exactly what you’re describing.  For some reason it didn’t appeal to me, but the “Sitter” works really well, it’s comfortable, and because you can take as much time as you need to without stressing any part of your body it may be easier on you as well.

    The hole on the Toilet Tree is pretty big and, unless you have a bad case of diarrhea, I think it will stay clean.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    One cheek on a downed log and the rest off to the side. Comfy. Supportive.

    Paul S
    BPL Member


    Personally, I would not want to use any gadgets to sit on, cause they are going to end up dirty, the worst kind of dirty. So, one cheek on a tree, or a rock, works for me.





    Locale: The Cascades

    “Personally, I would not want to use any gadgets to sit on, cause they are going to end up dirty, the worst kind of dirty.”

    Remind me not to use your bathroom….

    Paul S
    BPL Member


    This thread reminds me of what is actually quite a good book:

    Michael Sirofchuck
    BPL Member


    Locale: Great Wet North

    Absolutely superb book – required reading for all backpackers, IMHO.  And funny as hell.

    Tracey R
    BPL Member


    I know my response is about 4 months too late but I think this is what you are looking for.  I know it’s what I was looking for when I designed it. I just launched this product in June 2018.  I just joined Backpacking Light as I kept seeing forum posts last year of people looking for the same product I was…but it didn’t exist.  I wanted it for backpacking as well as running rivers.  I decided to try creating a little cottage industry and well….here we are.  Trail Bum.  $69  Free shipping in the US and Canada.

    Please let me know if I can answer any questions.

    Ben H.
    BPL Member


    Locale: No. Alabama

    Can you provide more photos?  Is there a separate toilet seat or do you sit on the outer two straps?  Can you show it in toilet mode without a bag?  Also, I’m not clear how it breaks down.  Can you show some photos of it folded up?

    Also, can you break down the weights if the components?  If you just use it as a toilet what would the minimum weight be?

    Tracey R
    BPL Member


    There is complete info at but I’ll be happy to share info here as well.

    • The frame is shock-corded together so it breaks down and sets up easily.
    • The middle strap is industrial-strength velcro that separates so that a WAG Bag can be inserted to use as a toilet.
    • You can also use with any 3+gallon size bag with a hole cut in the bottom as a sanitary ‘liner’ over a cat hole.  Simple bury the waste and pack out the plastic bag.
    • Comes with attachable table top.
    • 14 inches high
    • 27 ounces with everything.  21.16 ounces with just the stool.
    • Note that WAG bags are typically 3 oz each.  And when their use is mandatory (as they are in so many areas now) a Trail Bum makes multiple uses of those bags much easier and mess-free so you can pack and use less bags.)

    Simply scroll down at the home page of the website to see all the detailed images and descriptions.    (I’m having trouble uploading pictures in this message but I’ll keep trying.  But again, they are all on the website.)        :)


    Tracey R
    BPL Member



    I forgot to break down the weights for you if you wanted to use this solely as a toilet.

    The stool alone weighs 21.16 ounces. The middle strap is not designed for removal. That said, if you cut it off you would drop the weight by 1.62 ounces for a total chair weight of 19.54 ounces.


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