
titanium dog tie out??

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    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    Does anyone know of anyone who could machine one of those screw-in ground dog tie outs? Looking for a creative – yet light! – way to secure my escape-artist dog inside my floorless shelter.  I’m looking at sourcing some non-chewable wire, but want to be able to anchor something into the ground SECURELY to actually tie that to.

    Any thoughts? suggestions???



    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    maybe just a long titanium tent stake?  Maybe one that has threads on it or a triangle shape?  And a bell so you’ll wake when he pulls it out?

    Hi Jennifer

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    Hey Jerry! I tried the longest stakes I could find – but i didn’t think of doing the triangle/groundhog style. I was also thinking of those crazy huge Coughlin yellow things….


    James R
    BPL Member


    Titanium not needed.

    I bought a piece of aluminum right angle extrusion from Home Depot.    Cut one end to a point.  Drilled a hole through the other end. Run a chain of appropriate weight from stake to collar.  Connect with appropriate D rings or similar.  Works great for me.

    Only thing it is missing is a reliable 360 degree swivel at the top.

    I started with swing set chain but eventually upgraded.

    Put a doggie pack on dog and let Fido carry it when hiking.

    BPL Member


    If you cant find titanium try these:


    T-Grip Tool


    The T-Grip Tool is one of the things that makes Orange Screw® ground anchors truly unique. It stores on the screw when not in use and slips into the top eyelet to form a T-grip for increased leverage in firm soils. This clear sleeve protects your purse, duffel bag or stuff sack from a dirty screw.

    Made in Missouri, USA.




    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    Could be tricky on solid rock.

    BPL Member


    On solid rock use titanium:-))))

    BPL Member


    Titanium coil bike  spring. Have one othe local welders modify it to fit your needs, screws into solid Australian Rock:



    Nuff research :-)))

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    Hi Dan

    I am all for titanium, but I can’t see it screwing into any rock other than soft mudstone. Sheet granite could be tricky.
    Ah well, taken as it was meant :)


    Sam Farrington
    BPL Member


    Locale: Chocorua NH, USA

    One more advantage of a freestanding tent.  Although never had to use a connection with smaller shelties.  When they wanted out, they used their teeth to unzip the door enough to squiggle out and back in.

    A related issue was staying in three-sided open shelters that abound in the Northeast; but have seen a few in Colorado.  When not secured somehow, a sheltie got spooked by lightning and thunder and hid out back in the bushes.  Then there are the tent platforms that came up in another thread.  A few loops sewn into the shelter will secure a leash for a smaller dog.  If tent platforms or open shelters have nothing to slip a leash through, carrying a screw eye with an eye large enough to poke a leash through will do it.

    BPL Member


    Ice screws


    Coming soon , made of titanium:

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    ha you guys are amazing. Love the mountain bike spring – that would TOTALLY screw into rock!

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    Ice screws are designed to go into ice
    Ice has a hardness of about 1.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness
    Basalt has a Mohs hardness of 9 (just under diamond at 10)
    Granite has a mohs hardness of 6 – 7
    Mudstone has a Mohs hardness of 2 – 3

    BPL Member


     yet light! – way to secure my escape-artist dog inside my floorless shelter.

    Is Charlie Dog the escape artist??? Has his hip replacement made him more active?

    BPL Member


    For medium to hard soils we offer Tensa Boomstakes. These are two-part anchors with a nearly indestructible 8mm solid titanium spike and a reinforced 7000-series aluminum boom tube to substantially increase the holding power, redirecting the pulling vector to a point underground so they work somewhat like ground hooks. They can be pounded into ground too hard for Orange Screws, such as at many developed camping sites. They are also lighter and more compact than Orange Screws, a good hiker’s choice. See the Boomstake instruction sheet for detail.

    Mark J
    BPL Member


    I don’t suffer from my pooch trying to sneak out under my mid and disappearing, though I do sleep with a leash on her and have my hand thru the loop just in case.  The only time it ever came to use was during a wind storm which was unbearable throughout the night; she frantically wanted out of the tent, and I should have taken her advice, ditching the tent and finding a gully or some natural protection to sleep in/against.

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    Sadly CharlieDog passed away several years ago; my escape artist is a 30# adventure mutt – and she quickly learned she could just paw a little at the noseeum mesh and tada! adventure awaits! Why be in the tent when you can be out exploring?!

    So I’m really thinking of just going floorless (either a mid or even go back to the trailstar? – i have Penny -the escapee- and a 50# aussie who won’t leave me, but is oh so very, very dirty on trips!) and stake that girl into the ground. The last trip I did sleep with her leash wrapped around me, but I never relaxed and had terrible sleep, just waiting for her to get out. I’d love something way more secure…..

    These are all great ideas!

    BPL Member


    Did Charlie Dog ever get his hip replacement?

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    He did!!!!  it was a game changer! and now my little one needs them too so we’re getting ready to do that -again- this year sometime. Since Charlie did so well after his, I’m more eager to get Penny’s done sooner rather than later. My only regret was not being able to do charlie’s hips sooner.

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