Does it make any difference whether the grosgrain is secured to a tent fly on the inside or outside of the fabric? I made a reinforcement piece and used silicone to attach it the fly (on the underside). Now I’m unsure whether it makes more sense to sew the tie out directly to the reinforcement patch (underside) or sew it along the felled seam on the top.
Yes I plan on attaching a line-loc to a piece of grosgrain, then running a guyline to a tent state. This would be on each of the four corners, as well as the doors. Here’s an example of what I mean, except instead of the triangle ring there would be a line-loc.
It would technically work whether it would be on the outside or inside of the fabric but I’m just wondering if there is preferred way to do it or not.
ahhh… I don’t think it matters. I normally do a loop with one end of grosgrain on the inside, the other on the outside – sew through gros grain/fabric/grosgrain
did you know that wildernesslogics is out of business? The owner passed away so the business ended
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