
Tent Fitting the Easy Way

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable Tent Fitting the Easy Way

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    Rex Sanders
    BPL Member


    Companion forum thread to: Tent Fitting the Easy Way

    If you are struggling to find a shelter that fits, you aren’t alone. We provide some (mostly useful) advice in the context of a pop culture tour.




    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    Ha!  I’ve slept in a hammock on all of my backpacking trips for the past six years or so and almost skipped this article as “not relevant.”  I’m really glad I read it and enjoyed all of your examples and references.

    Scott Nelson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California and Sierras

    I love this thinking! And I had to check the date to be sure it was not posted on the first of April.  You know, the date that The Founder and Publisher writes his comprehensive review on ATVs.


    David Gardner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Rex, thank you. I lost count of the belly laughs I had while reading, starting with “Use the other side.” Obviously a lot of work to come up with so much humor, the photos, and the links. It was a joy.

    BTW, killer marmots don’t scare me. My aunt, uncle and cousins produced, directed, and acted in “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.”



    Except that no one is exactly average in all proportions

    Understand averages is a pitfall that humanity keeps on relearning. (That and how a one in a million chance out of a billion means it happens a lot more often than you expected.)


    Rex Sanders
    BPL Member


    Boastful job applicant: “I’m one in a million!”

    Interviewer: “That means there’s more than 7,800 people out there better than you. Next!”

    — Rex

    Carrie S
    BPL Member


    Rex, You made my day! May you have a perfectly cromlulent day. Can’t wait for the next episode.

    Mike C
    BPL Member


    Locale: S. F. Bay Area

    Rex, this was far more useful to me than you could have imagined. Not only am I (really) looking for a new tent, and couldn’t figure out how to size it, but I’m also about to start a kitchen remodel (really), and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get any of the dimensions measured. Now that I read your instructions on how to use the tape measure, I’m sure the remodel will be a breeze. The tent, well, not so sure. Might be breezy, too.

    Thanks again.

    Ian H
    BPL Member


    Brilliant article Rex! Type 1+ fun.

    Being of similar greybearded vintage, and recovering from wrist surgery, decided to do a 2 night solo walk (legs are functional). First problem was setting up tentpole (Macpac Microlight, single longitudinal pole design) when only one hand usable. (Hold strap in teeth, tension pole with good hand, struggle to find the pole-hole in the strap when you can’t see it) Forgot to try out in living room because I’d done it before (easy using 2 hands).

    Second problem was getting in/out of low-slung 1-man tent when unable to crawl/ lean on one hand. Wished I’d brought the ‘sleep standing up’ tarp!

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