The nearby Superstitions (east of the Phoenix area) are great in January as the lower elevations can be too hot even in March, … but the higher elevations can require 3+ season gear.  The AZT goes right thru the Superstitions’ Reavis Ranch area, iirc, where I’ve done some hikes.  Some of the peaks can get snow due to elevation, not latitude, like the mountain part of the Chiricahua wilderness (south of I-10 near the state line).  Remember there’s a downhill ski area on the top of the mountains overlooking Tucson and just below the AZT in Sagouro NP (East), I had a snowy campsite with thigh deep snow post-holing even higher.  Then again it could just be chilly and dry ..  Likely be hiking the area enroute to Xmas so I’ll update this.