Is anyone doing the Southern Sierra High Route this year? If my plans fall through for going to Colorado to climb 14’ers this is something I’ve been researching. I don’t have much experience on off-trail routes but know how to use a compass, map, and use gps. How feasible is it to do? Hiked the JMT last year in 12 days and I know off-route is a whole other beast,
If you don’t do it this year or want to do it again next year then let’s talk because I definitely plans on hiking it next year. I have some off trail experience and slightly acceptable navigation skills. I’m continuing to work on them though especially getting better at reading the topo. Â I live near Manhattan Beach so feel free to reach out if you’re looking for someone to hike with.
this is very much a late season trip for 2017, unless you like cross country snow travel.
this trip is very feasible if you’re not trying for a speedy time. we did part of it last summer before being forced onto the JMT/PCT to finish our trip due to daily mountain lightning storms. simple map and compass skills are all you need. we did not use GPS.
Would be the last week of August into the first week of September. Last year I started the JMT from HI August 28 and finished September 10. Perfect weather the whole time. I understand this year is a higher than last year snow year and am perfectly comfortable with cross country snow travel.
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