
Solo hiking, masking

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique Solo hiking, masking

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    Jon Fong / Flat Cat Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: FLAT CAT GEAR

    BTW, those of you who wear mask for particulates, you might consider the one’s with the built in exhaust check valves.  Probably easier to breath in and probably won’t foggy up your glasses.  Just a thought.

    BPL Member


    I would suggest it shows that the person has a fundamental lack of scientific understanding about risk factors and mitigating circumstances (like being alone, dispersed, outside where there is theoretically a lot of space and wind between you and the person next to you)

    The reason I know people have zero understanding of risk – no one is wearing N95’s in these situations. An ear-loop (surgical) mask mostly protects other people from your droplets if you were already infected. So wearing a ear loop mask for your own protection is a false sense of security.

    Not anti mask at all, Im all for them when logic says so, but wearing one for essentially no benefit (surgical mask, outside, alone) is misguided at best. If you are that scared of or susceptible to the virus, wear N95, N99, or P100. At least that makes sense and will protect you to a very high degree.

    Steve Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    I’ve seen people in the Sierra wear masks to minimize the trail dust they would otherwise inhale as a caution against an asthma attack.  But I’ve never encountered a dusty trail in my 8 years in NY.

    So could be pollen, some trees are blooming around Albany.

    Or it could be caution.

    I find wearing masks outside a bit odd, but whatever let’s people feel confident enough to get out is a win.

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