I will be sewing my first synthetic quilt and my first quilt with a sewn closed footbox. I want to copy the EE Enigma. It appears that the most common method is to stack the cut outer layers and then insulation on the bottom, sew almost all the perimeter, then turn it inside out, then sew the remainder of the perimeter shut. Is this the same method when sewing a foot box? The pictures on EEs site appear as if the foot box cap is sewn on afterward. Meaning, the quilt is sewed with insulation and then closed. The foot box is sewn with insulation and closed. Lastly, the foot box is mated to the quilt which would leave visible seams that need to be covered inside the quilt.
Can anyone take pictures of the inside of their EE Apex quilt foot box? Also, what diameter is standard for the foot box circle? Many thanks.
My approach would be to sew two sacks – inner and outer – then join at the top end (neck opening as opposed to bottom end being foot end), where the seam is then coverd by the drawstring tunnel. If you want to connect the inner and outer at the foot you can do it by way of some stitching that is concealed, sewing with both pieces inside out and stitching the two sets of seam allowances together. I know this may sound complex but it’s actually simple to do and leaves you with no exposed stitching at the foot. If you are doing two layers of insulation, you can sew one to the lining and one to the shell. If doing only one layer of insulation, you can sew it to either layer of fabric just as you please.
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