<div>I wanted to re-jig my Divide pack, to make it more versatile for different sizes/types of loads. To that end, last year, I removed my Divide pack bag, and created a MYOG Revolution frame panel and MYOG Talon/Daypack/Mesh Pocket. But my 2017 frame panel still required that my pack bag have sewn-in bottle pockets, which (for me) limited its flexibility.</div>
<div>So I made a 2018, Version 2.0 frame panel — with removable water bottle pockets… and I think it will work! The removable pockets are held firmly in place by three attachment points (middle compression strap, velcro tabs, and low strap that connects to the MYOG Talon.</div>
<div>With this configuration, I should be able to use any type/size of simple dry bag as my “pack”, and still have those great Seek Outside water bottle pockets that I am actually able to reach without dislocating my shoulders.</div>
That’s cool. I sewed a Revolution back panel system for hunting using my Unaweep frame and suspension components. I loosely copied the Seek Outside design, but beefed it up in the key spots where my friends’ packs were showing stress and made various changes. The SO frame and suspension lend themselves to customization more than anything out there. It’s a superb platform for DIY.
@redgum – It weighs 51 oz WITH the extra lumbar pad, but not the pillow (LOL, Doug…). I need to trim some straps, so it could probably get another .5 oz off there.
Not the lightest pack over all (SO doesn’t claim to be), but for those trips where I’ll need heavy stuff (usually water caches in the SW), it should work out well.
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