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  • #3776248
    BPL Member


    Locale: Front Range, CO Plateau, etc

    Sorry if this is not the right place. I remember seeing an article (trip report?) about a trip across Siberia carrying a very heavy pack (90#?). I think it was a case study in how “lightweight” is context-dependent. It intrigued me but I didn’t get around to reading it. Unfortunately I don’t remember anything else about it except an accompanying picture of wide open, somewhat rolling terrain.

    I’d like to read it now. However, search as I might, I cannot find it. Can anyone point me to this article?


    Matthew / BPL


    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    JVD – that’s Tully Henke’s trip in Russia:

    John S.
    BPL Member


    It reminds me of the 3 no-resupply trips Demetri Coupounas did sometime around 2011…JMT, CT, LT.

    Murali C
    BPL Member


    You can also research Art Brody who did a unsupported FKT of AZT (Arizonal Trail – 800 miles) with a starting weight of 87 lbs pack and averaged 28 miles a day – which is much more substantial than these other hikers where they did lesser. Art seems to have been in his mid 60’s perhaps (never could find his age) when he did this.

    You can hike with crazy weights – but, will end up doing 6 to 10 miles per day etc. But this guy did 28 miles average every day!!!!! Shows how amazing our bodies really are.


    BPL Member


    Tipi Walter, crazy weights, Appalatcian Trail

    Murali C
    BPL Member


    Did he do the whole thing? his posture looks great! Are you sure it is not just cotton inside :-)

    BPL Member


    Heavy Thinking with Tipi Walter

    That thread he created will give you some insight on his thinking.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Front Range, CO Plateau, etc

    @Ryan Jordan. Yes, that’s the one, Tully Henke’s trip report. Thanks. The others look pretty interesting, too — in a rabbit-holish kind of way. :-)

    baja bob
    BPL Member


    Locale: West

    There is a podcast as well that is a bit more in depth.

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