I made a pair of Ray-way shell pants. I made their largest size, 2XL. I’m short, have fat thighs, and want to be able to wear them over cargo shorts if need-be. I mostly wanted a project because I’m going stir-crazy with the pandemic and working from home.
I think they came out well. 2.4oz, same as the size L EE windpants I bought from the Gear Swap. They’re pretty much the same size as them as well. They could have weighed less if I had made the waist a little lower and hemmed the length a little shorter.
A decent option for myog people who want affordable windpants.
It’s nylon ripstop of some sort but it is not silnylon. They’re not waterproof. I wore them today on a hike. They were a bit too big, but that’s what I get for ordering the 2XL. Otherwise, it was a hot day so they were not needed for warmth. I was wearing leggings and little plant stickers were getting stuck in them and ruining my leggings. So the windpants were handy for putting a stop to that. And also ticks had a hard time holding on to the nylon.
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