
PSA: Preventing Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Rash

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique PSA: Preventing Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Rash

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  • #3412388
    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado



    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    Can’t edit the first post?

    This forum software Sucks!

    Prevention Link –

    BPL Member


    Locale: New England

    TL;DR – use a damp washcloth within 2-3 hours of exposure

    Thanks for the video. The demonstration with axle grease was helpful.


    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Thanks Greg. Currently not able to edit first post. Can no longer edit title either. Almost as annoying as poison oak.

    Kenneth Keating


    Locale: Sacramento, Calif

    I do a lot of hiking in poison oak areas and just washing off with a wash cloth doesn’t prevent a rash unless it’s done immediately and correctly.    Urushiol, which causes the irritation, starts to bind to the skin within 10 to 20 minutes after exposure.  The video recommends cleaning the skin between 2 to 8 hours after contact which is way too long. If all I had to do was wash with soap and a wash cloth, that’d be great, but that doesn’t work in practice.

    The issue with hiking in poison oak areas, especially in Calif is knowing when you actually contact urushiol.   You don’t have to get it from the plant directly. In the Big Sur areas some parts of the trail sides are covered with PO, but the urushiol can be easily be on other plants, rocks, pets, etc.  Dogs, deer and other wildlife can brush against poison oak, get urushiol on their coats, and transfer this to other objects.

    The interesting part is you can actually touch the PO plant and not have a rash(though I’m not going to do this!); the plant normally does not have urushiol on the surface  unless it’s been damaged.

    Please don’t watch the video and believe that after hiking in PO infested areas for a day all you have to do is wash off with soap, water and a wash cloth and you’ll have no issues. It’s not that easy.


    Larry De La Briandais
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay Area

    Have you tried Tecnu?  Does it work?  I have always been curious.  I don’t easily get a reaction to PO, so I can’t really tell if it works or not.  I’d like to carry some for those with me that may be susceptible.  But I’d like to know if it actually works.


    Kenneth Keating


    Locale: Sacramento, Calif

    I’ve been using IvyX.  I’ve had good luck with it and have not acquired any PO when using it, but I can’t really say if it’s really working because in PO areas I use it on my legs and arms along with wearing RailRiders Bushwacker pants that are made with 2 ply nylon and have reinforced knee and seat areas.  Since I started using the pants and IvyX at the same time I don’t know if the pants or IvyX is providing the protection.

    The IvyX is a pre-contact barrier.  The Tecnu products are not pre-contact, they’re used afterwards to remove urushiol.  If you don’t do this quick enough after contact, then the urushiol will have already reacted with the skin.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    Different people have different sensitivity.  I’m sure I’ve been exposed, but never noticed a rash.

    So, different products will have different effectiveness on different people.  All of those products would work equally well on me : )

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