After experimenting with a lot of Heat Exchanger pots, I came up with a simple DIY modification for your JetBoil (Cheetah JetBoil). It is a simple plate that slips between the insulation and the mug and partially blocks the exhaust ports. This windshield dramatically improves the robustness in the wind (see chart below).
Install the windshield on the opposite side of the handle and point it into the wind. Easy Peasy.
Here is the template. I made mine out of 0.006″ stainless steel and it weighed less than 8 grams: I am sure that aluminum flashing would work as well, it’s just not as robust.
Here is a video of a regular JetBoil Zip in an 8 mph wind. The stove was set at a moderate burn rate, the wind robustness can be improved by cranking it up to full on. That being said, fuel consumption will go through the roof at that point. My 2 cents.
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