I recently completed the Oregon portion of the PCT skipping the Klamathon fire (means I’ll have to visit Ashland again with its great restaurants et al … sigh ..guess someone has to do it). Here are some pics (may do a trip report)
Started off on the California side next to Mt Shasta, so will use this as a scenic “placeholder”
Some lakes of the PCT where the locals catch fish and drink beer. Due to trail magic, I caught beer here ..
Howard reservoir above
Fish Lk from the PCT camp. Out of order but a bit of a climb from Howard Prairie reservoir to Fish Lk …
Of course the unforgettable Crater Lake NP.
Shortly after taking this, smoke engulfed the area so no famous shot from “the Watchman” (yet another reason to return). I was just ahead of the smoke the rest of my journey
After awhile the trail went through some deep forests (and a few persistent hordes of skeeters) so didn’t get much besides shots of mountains in the distance … 3-finger jack was enshrouded in fog when I went over.
Here is Mount Jefferson after going through Jefferson Park. This part of the trail is being rerouted for next year
Ollalie Lk was fine though I got in at night. The next day I hiked until 1 AM seeing this as the sun went down
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