If you google JoybileeFarms DIY olive oil lamp you will find article to make your own. I’ve recently switched to I phone and I’m totally lost on posting pics which is a problem but not the one I’m looking for help with at the moment. I made my own olive oil lamp out of a 5/8” braided wick a piece of wire and a either a small cat food can or a 4 oz minced garlic or ginger jar works great an amazing flame lots of light and heat. I’m looking for ideas for a low wide metal container with a sealing screw top lid hopefully 2-4 oz Kinda like a small pvc cleaner/primer can but lower wider like a shoe polish container with a tight screw top lid and more than anything I want to repurpose something. I have found kinda what I’m looking for on amazon but right now it’s a game to build with a repurposed container also looking for loose weave cotton rope for wick
have found kinda what I’m looking for on amazon but right now it’s a game to build with a repurposed container also looking for loose weave cotton rope for wick
Thanks Dan As I said above I’m having problems posting pictures and Links at the moment but but if you google Liyar 2 oz 60ml metal screw top tins I think you will come up with it. I’d rather have 3-4 oz capacity and all metal liquid tight screw top lid
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