
New Backpacking / Hiking Weight Calculator App

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Home Forums General Forums General Lightweight Backpacking Discussion New Backpacking / Hiking Weight Calculator App

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  • #3806522
    BPL Member


    Hi Mike,

    It still doesn’t seem to work. Here is a comment I received on my PCT blog where I’m sharing my pack. Does your fix by any chance require me to go back through all entries and replace the link to my pack with a new link?

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Manfred, can you send me the link to the pack that you use on your blog

    BPL Member


    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal



    I just tried the link and it worked for me. Could they possibly be on a slow connection…. It is a bit deceiving that when it’s loading pack contents it actually says pack is private….I can fix that tonight when I get home to show it’s loading instead.


    If that doesn’t work see if they can clear their browser cache and try again.

    Josh J
    BPL Member



    just noticed your web based version doesn’t recognize that i have a pro membership. i went to add a pack on the web app and told me to upgrade….

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Josh, hope all is going well! Yea the web version is very much beta compared tot he app. There are a whole lot of corner cases when it comes to subscription checking on the web. Long story as a result of the SDK I use for handling purchases…

    Anywho, I just logged in and fixed that for you so you should be able to create more then 5 packs on the web as a paying user :-)

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Pushing out a new update tonight! Should be live ina. few hours on Android. Should be live by Monday for iOS.


    New update adds a much requested feature to be able to choose what your default calories per day are for the calorie tracking summary card. It used to default to 3000 calories, and then you would have to slide the slider to view the data for a different daily calorie estimate.

    Now you can go to your settings and select the default :-)

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    New update pushed yesterday live on Android and should be live today or tomorrow for iOS. I added the ability for pro users to Archive packs.

    Archiving packs is useful, if you have been using the app for a while like me and just have too many packs in your main list. Archiving the pack does not delete it, it just removes it from your main pack list, and can be viewed and edited from the Archive list found in settings.

    This is also helpful if you have a ton of sub packs, you can archive them to remove them from your main list. If a sub pack is archived it is still able to be added to a pack. Additionally archived packs that are public are still shareable etc.

    Archive a pack by clicking the 3 dots while viewing a pack and select “Archive Pack”:

    BPL Member


    Hi Mike,

    My iPhone shows me right now just a grey box for my two of my packs. All other packs show correctly. The two packs are my ‘PCT 2024’ and my ‘PCT 2024 – Sierra Pack’ – of course this happens right before leaving tomorrow for the Mexican border. Luckily the desktop app works and I’m now 100% packed.

    Josh J
    BPL Member


    hey Mike,

    been thinking about this for a min and had an idea.  take your idea for sub packs to your gear closet except they would be bins (like you’d organize and store gear at home) so you could group similar gear into a bin like clothing, stoves(cooking), or how ever you want to group your stuff and then from each bin you could either add the entire bin or select things from that bin to a pack or even subpack.

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal


    Hope all is going well on your trip and best of luck! Apologies for the error, and the delayed response. I have actually been snowshoe backcountry camping in Yosemite. I think I just fixed the bug, so uploading a new version to google right now and will have the new upload to iOS shortly after!

    Josh J,

    Good to hear from you! I think I may have had similar ideas to you bin idea. I was thinking something similar to the pack view in the gear lock, where there are summary cards to help see what gear you have by item type, manufacturer etc. So you can filter your gear locker easily.

    Josh J
    BPL Member


    I think that would be helpful or even having the ability to pick certain items out of your sub packs to add to your pack and/ or all the sub pack. There are times that would be helpful. Like if I group my clothing between warm, cold or shoulder season may not want everything in the sub pack.

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Pushing to the app stores right now is our latest update! Should be live in Android App Store today and maybe even the apple app store (Apple has been getting quicker at reviews).

    Latest update adds summary cards to your Gear locker. This allows you to see basic stats about the items you own. It also allows you to filter your gear locker easily by Category, Item Type or Manufacturer by taping the bar graphs like you can already do with the pack summary cards.

    Hope you enjoy the update!



    Josh J
    BPL Member



    Looks great!

    Now….. Would it be possible after you sort your locker to be able to add an item or items to a bag? Like a long click or a swipe? Then select which bag(s) you want the items added to?

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal


    I like the long tap idea to add to pack. I do wonder what that use case would be vs the normal way to add items to a pack though?

    Josh J
    BPL Member


    The normal way is you have to go into your pack then add and search or a scroll for what you’re looking for vs going to your locker, auto sort with your new addition and pick and choose by category to add to your pack.

    Josh J
    BPL Member


    Personal I like to be able to add things to my pack by seeing my items grouped together. Kinda like how I have them stored in real life

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Some small but impactful updates pushed last night:

    Under the hood fixes mostly for our European friends or anyone not using pounds and ounces. There were some ever slightly small rounding errors when looking at total weight and summary cards for a pack. This update should fix those small rounding errors which add up with a lot of gear.

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    This app is clearly a labor of love for you – thank you for your responsiveness to questions and requests and for constantly making it better!

    Josh J
    BPL Member


    Hey Mike,

    Just had another thought.. what if when you’re adding items to your pack the gear summary thing on top like you have in the locker?

    Basically add

    To the top like in the locker or separate tab? Here in the add gear section.

    As always appreciated the hard work and openness for improvement and feedback!

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Kevin, thank you sooo much for the kind words! Hearing things like that definitely helps me keep coding away :-)

    Josh, now you got the gears going in my head lol. Glad I didn’t start coding your other idea yet ;-)

    I really like the idea of the summary cards in the “Add Gear” view. My only concern is with the summary card there, and the tab bar would everything get really scrunched, especially on small screens? Maybe there is a slimmed down “filter” that can be toggled on and off…. Opened up a lot of ideas here :-)

    Josh J
    BPL Member


    Just spit balling ideas 😁

    Your the one who has to code!


    Much appreciated!

    I like the long click or maybe a pop up window? Dunno…..

    Josh J
    BPL Member



    I don’t know why this just dawned on me but let’s KISS (keep it simple stupid)

    How about when you click on add gear in your pack like normal, have it take you to the gear closet page with your new addition for sorting and just add the sub pack icon on top and have it function just like it does!?

    Make sense? Just not trying to over complicate things….

    Like add sub packs there

    Just for adding stuff to your pack


    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Another small update going out to the app stores for approval. May be a day or two before its live for everyone.

    You can now create a user account with any email address. Personally I prefer Google and Apple logins but a few individuals wanted to create accounts and sign in with other email address. That is now an option. Just tap the “Other Email Address” text under the Apple Login.

    Mike J
    BPL Member


    Locale: SoCal

    Lately I have been working on a lot of code clean up and back end changes that you all will not really see but will have huge benefits for you all. Unfortunately while doing that I broke the community gear locker search for about 24 hours (Sorry about that). It is now fixed, so please update to the latest version to make sure you have that fix.

    Secondly the changes I made in the background was more for me to be able to more quickly conduct admin tasks. If you do not know I screen all the items before they go into the public gear locker, so that it doesn’t get crazy with lots of duplicates etc. With the large influx of users lately, I have not been able to keep up with approving gear locker additions, new items are being added to quickly by you all (Thanks!).

    In the latest release I can now approve new additions to the community gear locker much quicker!

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