
multipurpose gear

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique multipurpose gear

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  • #3505174
    David C. Menges


    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    All advertisers here, so no.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    If you have really long ears it would make a nice hat.

    To illustrate a common problem with conventional headware :

    the head is covered but the ears stick out.

    So I like the idea.



    Clifford Deakyne
    BPL Member


    Locale: Colorado Rockies foot hills

    As absurd as this sounds, I have seen something similar on a winter camping trip with Boy Scouts.  Before the trip, the boys were told to bring a specific list of clothes for the winter weather including a warm hat.  When the adult in charge saw one boy without his hat while assembling for a morning hike, he told him to figure out something.  He came back with his spare boxers on his head, waist band over the ears.  His comment later was that it was warm and comfortable.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    You guys take this seriously

    This is pretty sad for BPL, the entire article is just click-bait to affiliate marketing. Where are the BPL reviews for each of these items that are recommended?

    Trying to be fair, several of the items on the list I personally do use on most of my trips.

    BPL Member


    What Nick said…

    What is the purpose of that “article” re: the BPL audience.  Is there anyone on this site unfamiliar with the items on the list?  I too use, or have used, several of them.  There is no information provided that is not available from any number of retailer’s websites. There is no editorial content either, nothing to indicate WHY we might want to investigate this gear.

    The URL slug includes “_draft”.  Is this not really meant for publication?  If it is, I find this disheartening. We really don’t need advertisements masquerading as articles.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    “We really don’t need advertisements masquerading as articles.”

    Now That BPL takes money from ads…

    HMG, HMG ra ra ra!

    Like always I’ll read what BPL publishes, but get my answers from the forum from actual users that I can interact with.

    And yep the draft is published. With all the errors intact. Rain pant, sporks, etc…

    Recommending a ball cap as a sun hat is irresponsible.

    David Thomas
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Woods. Far North.

    Definitely a draft:
    “Light My Fire Spork Little – Package of 3

    Weight: 0.6 oz
    Price: $7.95 sale $4.93 (38% OFF)

    Tired of breaking plastic sporks in the cold and spending the rest of the trip eating with stubs, we recommend titanium utensils. We like this one because of its versatility – it even has a serrated edge for cutting.”

    Pictured and linked are the damnable, plastic Light-my-Fire sporks that DO definitely break, while the text rails against them and discusses a titanium spork.  Three titanium sporks (or even one) for $4.93?  Er, yeah, no.

    Those L-m-F sporks of any material stack nicely on family trips but other than that, they suck – the spoon is at an annoying spot when it’s used as a fork and vice versa and the plastic ones break.

    I’ve gone to bamboo spoons which are cheaper, lighter, longer, stronger and don’t break.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    And the third charm

    So can’t identify pants, hats or things made of metal. Now that is the indepth BPL I ❤️ love

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