
Moving to Florida… advice for camping/backpacking/gear??

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique Moving to Florida… advice for camping/backpacking/gear??

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    Ryan “Rudy” Oury
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Arizona

    So I accepted a job in North-Central Florida (Ocala), and will be moving the family there in about a month. I’ve lived/camped in Chicago, Northwoods Wisconsin, Denver/Rockies, Lake Tahoe and currently live near Santa Fe NM. This should be VERY different environment/terrain/bugs/dangers/etc than I’m used to dealing with. So looking for any general advice in a couple areas…

    1) What are the unique dangers to somewhere like FL I need to become familiar with? Obv crocodiles, fair number of poisonous snakes, black bears, maybe wild boars… heat stroke in summer… what else?

    2) What sort of gear might be different from whats typically been mountain, high altitude camping? I know that bugs & creepy crawlies will be a much bigger issue so netting (ie a full inner, enclosed hammock, etc) will be a necessity. I’m felling like an enclosed hammock (WB Blackbird, etc) is likely to be a really good option.

    Monte Masterson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern Indiana

    I suggest packing 9 inch long aluminum Y stakes with a lot of purchase power for your shelter. Virtually all of the state is covered with sand and very few rocks. I found out the hard way that ti shepherd hooks just don;t get it

    The gators present very little danger and American saltwater crocs are only in select Southern coastal areas. They are in no way aggressive like African crocs. Bears are somewhat of a danger and there have been a numbers of attacks over the past decade or so. Bear hunting resumed a few years ago and that’s helped a little, but I always carried a 4 oz canister of 2% Fox pepper spray. I probably was more afraid of the pit-bulls I encountered along sections of the Florida Trail where it follows along roads . I can remember walking past run-down house trailers with Confederate flags and pit-bulls roaming around the front yard.

    The Florida Cottonmouth gets huge and is the largest viper in the US. Not near as aggressive as the Western diamondback though. They’re semi-aquatic which means they can certainly be encountered along trails. The Eastern Diamondbacks can also be large, but neither species will bite unless you step on them.

    You’ll certainly want to pack an extra pair of wading shoes on many hikes because marshes are fairly common. Of course plenty of mosquito protection is usually needed.

    Erica R
    BPL Member


    It can be quite warm at night. A lightweight cloth that can be used as a sheet is useful.

    BPL Member


    Welcome to NCF.  I live 30 min. north of Ocala.  The top 2 things you need to know:

    1. Ticks!  Oh. My. God. The Ticks!!!  An investment in Insect Shield clothing pays immense and immediate dividends.
    2. Rain. You likely have never seen raindrops as big as NCF raindrops.  Get a shelter that is totally waterproof, with full bug netting and an excellent bathtub floor.  On one memorable trip it rained so hard that the water flowing UNDER my tent raised the floor 1″ off the ground…yep…when I put my hand on the tent floor I could squish it down 1″ before touching ground.
    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Proximity to an airport.

    I grew up there but after all this time West expect an adjustment for certain.

    Do forget they have actual noseeums there too. Ripe with life.

    Link .
    BPL Member


    . JUPITER HIKES BLOG  He lives in Florida and posts trip reports, he also posts VIDEOS on his youtube channel on hiking in Florida

    Ryan “Rudy” Oury
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Arizona

    Thx all for the replies!

    – good long stakes for sand is a good call. I have ~6-7” TNF v-shaped currently. We’ll see how they do. Meant to say alligators (not crocs) but good to know they’re not a major concern. Not surprising that the rural roads may have more danger from the locals than the wildlife. Good call on bug repellent clothing… I have NONE right now.

    – what sort of light material? Like a super light fleece?

    @JCH – thx for confirming the bug repellent clothes. Any suggestions on best brand or treatment? My only real shelter currently is an MLD Cricket DCF… will def need a full inner if I choose to use that.

    – hopefully I’ll be able to get up to the Appalachian some… doubt I’ll grt to fly to camp much. But we’ll see :)

    – thx for the blog recommendation. I’ll start reading & watching ASAP.

    BPL Member


    Rudy – My preferred method is to send my hiking clothes directly to Insect Shield for treatment (  You can buy pre-treated cloothing from ExOfficio, Columbia and several others, but I like choosing my clothing based on whatever criteria I choose and adding post-treatment. Treatment lasts for 70+ washings rather than the 3-4 for the DIY treatment.

    Ryan “Rudy” Oury
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Arizona

    @JCH- That’s a great option I wasn’t aware of. I knew about the home DIY treatments but not the “factory sealing”. Checked out pricing and it’s not too bad. I’ve been searching for good zipoff pants for awhile and finally got some good pairs in the last 6 months so do NOT want to start over finding treated clothes. I’ll  almost certainly send in my main hiking outfits. Thx for the tip!

    BPL Member


    Don’t forget socks, hats and buffs/bandanas.  Ticks and mosquitoes in the SE are so thick that you have to cover pretty much everything.  The good news is that IS treatment works very well at keeping the pests off of you.  With a treated long sleeve shirt and hat the mosquitoes buzz around your face, but do not land.

    Also, as IS clearly states, there can be a slight shrinkage due to the process…how much varies with the material…from none to noticeable.  Basically I have found that if something fits well but you wouldn’t want it any smaller, it may be too small after treatment.  On the plus side, if you have a favorite item that is a little “baggy”, it may fit better after treatment :)

    Dale Wambaugh
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    I would get one 55 gallon drum each insect repellent and sunscreen :) Take a couple hills with you

    Think about navigating. I’m used to big landmarks and trails that go up and down the side of a mountain, with a 14,000 foot volcano in the distance, making it harder to get lost. In flat country with trees, I could walk in circles.

    Jameson T
    BPL Member


    The entire state is sand so definitely long stakes.

    As mentioned, lots of bugs and sun. A good wife brim sun hat and long/lightweight sun protective clothing is best.

    Gators aren’t too big of a concern unless you’re down in the Glades. Definitely a lot of snakes though. And other creepy crawlies.

    Most of your backpacking will probably be done in the fall/winter (just too dang uncomfortable sleeping in 80+ degree weather outside during the summer) so make sure you have orange clothing. Lot of hunters in FL.

    There’s not an abundance of potable water most of the time so make sure you have a pack capable of carrying of hauling a good amount of water during dry stretches.

    P.S. the Smokies will be about 7/8 hours from you but definitely worth the trip north.

    Ryan “Rudy” Oury
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Arizona

    @Dale- I hear you on navigation. I’m so used to thinking things like “I know I’m in X valley that runs North/South and there is a pronounced ridge to my East” etc. I’ll def have to pay closer attention. Any clue how GPS apps like GAIA work in the flat land vs the mountains?

    @Jameson- im def expecting to do the majority (if not all) my hiking/camping in the fall/winter/spring. I’ll be working at a summer youth camp so my summers will be too busy to get out much anyways.

    and I’m already looking forward to heading North to the Appalachians for serious trips :) The Chattahoochee area is only 5-6 hr so there should be some good options to explore. Glad to know the Smokies aren’t much further.

    Dale Wambaugh
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Gaia will work fine. I expect that just good old Google Maps will work well too, assuming that cellular coverage is better than remote mountain areas.

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