I picked up my needles again, this time to make something for myself. A merino sweater, with cables in the front and on the arms emding in a saddle collar. I used hand dyed merino wool. Knit bottom up.
I had to undo several parts a few times…
I made myself charts for the cables because it was hard keeping track of them AND the raglan decreases at the same time.
I made a provisional cast on for the sleeves ( started at the cuffs but looped the stitches into a crochet chain) so after the sweater was just about done I could catch the live stitches again and make the sleeves/cuffs the exact length I want. That is hard to do when you start at the cuff and join the sleeve like this.
This felt like the home stretch but ended up undoing several inches twice.
The “saddle” at the back collar was a first time technique for me. Grrr
Blocked and finished
I am happy with it .
In dry and cool weather when weight is not a big issue I will take this backpacking :)
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