
Mat booster

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear Mat booster

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    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    I need way more cushion under my bones than that.

    I spent a very ‘hard’ night in Grey Mare Hut recently. The bunks are flat hardwood, my Synmat had developed a tiny tiny hole, and all I had was a very small 10 mm folding sitmat. With an ounce of brains I would have retreated outside, put the tent up, and slept on the snow grass. Sigh.


    James Marco
    BPL Member


    Locale: Finger Lakes

    Yeah, I’m in for a “me-too.” I lost my Xlite last year with a series of slow leaks all over the bottom. (After doing more research, I opted for another Xlite but the warmer womans version.)  I was lucky, I use my Nightlite as my pack frame…every time I woke up flat, I simply blew the Xlite up…good for about  1-2 hours…  I didn’t especially notice the close to freezing cold, but my hips no longer like those thin pads…spoiled I guess (hey, couldn’t be age.)

    Foam is a great insulator, up to a point, but it is way to bulky for a full pad. (Bulk for 5 layers of nested 3/4″ foam, 10.5″ long, 20″ wide, fan-folded together, is around 570ci or around 9.4L for a 52″ torso pad…about 25% of a 36Lpack.) The Xlite gets high marks, just for carried size reduction (~1L/70ci.)



    “I use a plain 1/8″ CCF mat under my Synmat UL7, much like Franco.”

    The OP mentioned only briefly using a 3mm foam pad under his air pad, and then also claims that this checkered 50% foam + large gaps/tyvek was warmer than using the full foam pad under the air pad.

    Is there anybody here that actually buys the latter?



    Todd T
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Is there anybody here that actually buys the latter?

    That was his experience, and it seems plausible to me.  Note that it doesn’t matter if the air spaces are too big to be effective at minimizing convection—their job is to be better than conduction (the top mat being right on the ground/snow).

    Show your math and we can have a real debate.



    “Show your math and we can have a real debate.”

    Ooh, dem be fightin words. Not that long ago you challenged me in a very similar manner as the above, but after laying things out for you as simply, concisely, and logically as I could, I never heard back from you for some reason But you were sooo skeptical at the time. A memory refresher?

    No, I think the burden of “proof” and evidence is on you friend. Please show us the math that supports how such large air gaps would equal to substantial, efficient insulation?  Please explain how this set up would provide more efficient insulation to weight ratio than a full foam pad cut to the size of the air pad?

    Oh, and the OP, I’ve caught him red handed in outright lies before, so he is not the kind of person I trust to only tell the truth. As I said earlier, we have a multi year history, which is part of the reason why I’m being unusually aggressive on this thread (and because I know the timing of this thread was no accident and partly yet another goading, but more subtle and indirect than the usual ones I’ve experienced from him).

    True account. I had a very interesting discussion with an unusual, old, grandmotherly Greek-American lady a couple decades ago.  Let’s just say that she had the 2nd sight (and somehow this lady predicted me moving out of state to the year, years before it happened, and some other very way beyond coincidence insights and predictions).

    During our discussion she said to me in an impassioned, emphatic manner/tone, and I will never forget, coming from such a sweet, grandmotherly person, “Why you take so much sh!t from people?  You shouldn’t take so much sh!t from people!  Don’t take so much sh!t from people!” in rapid succession.  I shrugged my shoulders–how can you explain that when you literally love everyone and see/look for the Source in them and care about their happiness just as much as your own, it’s hard not to just take whatever negativity is dished your way.  But eventually, I saw that she had a point.  I’ve gotten a bit better at boundaries and push back when needed over the years. I’ve learned the hard way that tough love has it’s place and time.

    This is general Franco getting a wee bit of a taste of his own medicine. (I’ve consistently have ignored and stayed off his threads in the past, while he felt no such compunction on his end on mine).

    You’ll likely not understand this and where I am coming from, but I don’t care what you or anyone here thinks about me and my currently, seemingly odd behavior. I value truth and integrity over popularity.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Well dear Justin, this time your mistake was to refer to me, twice, as general Franco.

    BTW you should capitalise General.

    The last time you heard what I think of you was when you tried to play the Tarptent card : oh yes he is milder now because of Tarptent… (no , I just didn’t bother)

    That shows  how very different you are from the semi God persona that you paint yourself with .

    ((Empathy Personified, Designer, messenger…)

    The problem with you is that you can’t handle having members here stating or hinting at that your ideas are not as damn wonderfull as you think they are.

    Take my comment on that silly cone that you proposed as a wood burning stove for a hot tent.

    You got all upset with those comments but where is that stove ?

    I then hinted at the fact there was something drastically wrong with your 3 layers tent. Well the outside dimensions were already too small for a midget , never minde having another two layers inside it.

    So that project ,after you had two triangular bits of fabric,  was 90% ready, Where is it ?

    Now you crap on a mat that first had SIXTEEN pieces of foam that need to be velcroed to the main mat. Then they were reduced to 9 or something like that. So much for your holistic higly visual multy layered polysyllabic left brain all encompassing intuition.

    (my goldfish Bob had better intuitive powers than you. Mind you in one of his  previous lives he was the assistant High Priest at the court of Tutankamun. Small world, isn’t it ?)

    How many times can you stick and remouve those bits of rubber before your ‘long lasting superstrong” mat falls apart?

    When did you realise that you could not roll up that mat ( to a packable size) with the extra bits stuck on it ?

    I can assure you that the above is not only obvious to me but I am one of the few that has bothered to let you know.

    No you are not a designer , just a leggend in your own bathroom.

    No offence intended , meant in exactly the same way you do.

    Before I forget, fiber glass absorbs a lot of resin. Resin is heavy.

    BTW, you were peeeing on my thread.

    Now , feel free to delete all of your BPL comments, this time under JustinW,  as you already have done two times before under two different monikers .

    (is it really that embarassing to be you ?)



    James Marco
    BPL Member


    Locale: Finger Lakes

    Take it off line…


    Yup, the above is the usual venomous persona I’m use to, with a bit of the mask taken off.


    You’re right James.

    Steve M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Eastern Washington + Arizona

    Franco,  I’ve always enjoyed your posts.   Sadly, this thread has been invaded by a troll.

    Moderator:  Please take the necessary actions.


    Steve, do you think this design will work well at boosting insulation?

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