
LW Sleeping Pads?

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    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Looking for ideas on a good light weight insulated inflatable mat. Been through TR NeoAir and Sea 2 Summit Ultralight Insulated. Both failed miserably in every possible way. Would like to know what others are having sucess with. Im willing to trade a little more weight for comfort and function rather than sleeping on another teflon frying pan… Exped or???


    I take a hybrid approach by combining an EVA foam pad with a Klymit X Lite pad–the foam provides the warmth and the Klymit pad the cushion for the pushin (well, more so comfort).  I call my pad combo big mamma, and I love her extra girth (ok, I don’t really call my pad big momma).

    I do primarily colder weather backpacking, and if the air pad fails, then I least know I have the foam to fall back on.

    Iago Vazquez
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston & Galicia, Spain

    Like Justin, I like the safety aspect of a double approach. For the past twenty nights or so I have been combining a Klymit Inertia X Wave an a 1/4″ closed cell foam pad which I fold to cushion my backpack’s back panel. I also tested the full length of the Klymit Inertia Ozone, but in the end the wider girth of the X Wave won me over the full length but narrower Ozone. Coming from 20″ pads in the past, it’s luxurious. My wife’s lighter frame however is perfectly happy with the Ozone.

    I purchased both pads refurbished from the Klymit eBay store for about $30.

    Andrew Priest
    BPL Member


    Locale: Fremantle

    I am curious about your problems with the Sea to Summit pad. Care to share more details?



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Great suggestion, many thanks!



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Boney, slippery, needs constant psi adjustment, overall a giant pain in the ass! Pad and bag should never be compromised in the name of backpacking light! Lesson learned…

    Iago Vazquez
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boston & Galicia, Spain

    Since you mentioned boney, and the TR Neoair is 2.5″, I probably would not recommend my setup to someone over 200 lbs, particularly if they are side sleepers…

    Andrew Priest
    BPL Member


    Locale: Fremantle

    Thanks for your comments. I would be interested in hearing of other’s experiences to see if your experience is common or not as I haven’t seen much in the way of seriously negative reports on the pad in my searches.

    I was thinking of getting one to replace my Exped mat as it packs down smaller and weighs less

    Edward John M
    BPL Member


    The S2S UL does seem to need additional padding for some people but the comfort plus has been wonderful for me and not to heavy



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Thanks for your feedback on the Comfort Plus. I can see where the extra 1/2″ of padding makes sense. Thing that bothered me the most is the Exkin fabric. Its so slick that everything just slides right off the pad with any movement at all… Anyway, glad you’re having good results and I appreciate your comments.



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Andrew, I bought this pad for the same reasons you point out. But dont let the numbers make your decision. There are so many areas one can get carried away with cutting base weight but ones sleep system shouldnt be one of them. I can only suggest you try one out with the bag you intend to use it with, it might work for you…





    Locale: Northern Rockies


    Thanks again for the feedback. In this instance body weight isnt isnt the issue for me as Im way south of 200#. For me, the inner spring design doesnt allow enough air in to maintain constant pressure. So as the temp drops it goes flat in the middle of the night. When the mat is properly inflated, anything on top of it slides off with little effort. Either way you wind up on the ground through the course of the night…



    Locale: Northern Rockies


    Sorry, I sent you the wrong reply. I understand what you’re saying about you’re set up. Yes, a 25×48″ pad makes sense with a ccf back up. Thanks so much for your input!

    Nick D
    BPL Member


    Locale: Santa Barbara, CA

    I have the Big Agnes Q-Core SLX, and still have the Q-Core SL as a loaner, both in long-wide. I think they’re the bee’s knees. Most comfortable pad out there IMO taking warmth vs comfort vs weight into account. I also own an Exped Synmat UL7 which is a distant second. I don’t care for Neoairs because the sides collapse.



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Thanks Nick!

    BPL Member


    Locale: Mid Atlantic

    I went through a similar process like you. I sleep a good bit on my side which helped bring the decision further to the forefront. I tried the CCF and prolite pad and other stuff but I ended up with this and I am happy with a slight weight penalty. Sometimes you have to go to the edge before you know where your happy zone is. For me it was an added bonus to be able to use it in my hammock or on the ground.


    Brad P


    I don’t have many nights on it, but I like my REI Flash pad. It stays inflated and is quiet. I particularly like that it’s a heck of a lot less expensive than some other pads.

    I also have a Gossamer Gear 1/8″ foam pad I use with it as backup, reduce movement of the pad on silnylon and protect it from anything sharp on the ground.

    Richie S
    BPL Member


    I went through a process of pretty much trying as many LW pads as I could and ended up back at the Expeds I started with. The UL7 doesn’t really give a sense of warmth, but the downmat certainly will. It’s like sleeping on a radiator.



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Carlos, that’s a hefty pad, bet it’s super comfy and warm!!! Yes, its a process we all have to go through. FInding the balance between function and LW is a personal decision and yes, one has to find the edge first. I certainly found mine with the S2S products and will be shaving base weight elsewhere moving forward… Thanks foryour feedback



    Locale: Northern Rockies


    Thanks ofr your feedback. I will give the Flash Pad a look. I know Ray Ripple loves this pad and has used it now on several JMT thru-hikes… Its a good thing we have so many options out there and user feedback to narrow it down…

    Ben H.
    BPL Member


    Locale: No. Alabama


    Since you mention sliding off as a significant concern you might want to check out a pad with larger outside rails like the REI Stratus (I think maybe some expeds too?).  I have several of these mats (great price/performance ratio!) and they keep you centered nicely.  I am with you about not compromising on sleep when trying to cut gear weight.  I recently bought a Q-core and they are luxurious.  I find the Stratus a smidge to thin for me, but it doesn’t sound like pad thickness is what you are looking for.  A deflating pad in the night due to coldness sounds like adding a thin ccf pad underneath your pad may help.  Conventional wisdom is to put the ccf pad on top so your body does not have to heat as much air in your air pad, but you want to heat that air and reduce losses to the ground.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Mid Atlantic

    @DS Also be sure to factor any pumps into weight considerations. I helped justify the extra weight of my pad by using the Schnoozle pump for a dry bag and then a pillow also.



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Carlos, for sure that. Just about everything in my kit is multi purpose and carefully thought out. Trial and error is always the hard part…

    Thanks again for the input, it’s much appreciated!!!



    Locale: Northern Rockies

    Ben, I agree. Many in this forum are pro duely. Adversly, the BA Q-SLX seems to be the new poster child of single mat splendor. I have my eye on the 25×72 configuration @ 20 oz complete… At only 5oz more than the S2S yet twice the cost, it could be a contender. From what I gather the REI Stratos LW is significantly heavier but a fraction of the cost of the BA. The research continues…

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Paul S
    BPL Member


    Exped UL is my go-to for summer in the WA Cascades. I also bring some 5mm thick yellow foam I got from Mountain Equipment Coop. The Exped has R=3.3, the yellow foam has R=0.7. Total is R=4

    If the Exped fails: 1) It comes with a repair kit  2) I’ll at-least have the yellow foam.Better than nothing.

    Plus, I can use the Yellow foam outside of the tent without fear of puncturing it.

    This system does put most of the R-action in one pad, but still works-out pretty good for me.

    They make short, medium (72″ x 20″) and LW (77.5″ by 25.5″)

    Plus, once I got the Exped I actually sleep, and sleep deeply.


    I have demo’d the Sea to Summit – didn’t like it.

    I have demo’d the Therma-rest Neoair – didn’t like it (noisy, not really wide enough vs. its stated width)

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