
Kids these days

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    Jon Fong / Flat Cat Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: FLAT CAT GEAR

    One of my daughters went camping at Little Harbor this weekend on Catalina Island (2 people).  The weather was mild and in the mid 70’s to 80’s.  Since she was taking the ferry, fuel transportation is basically limited.  I loaned her my Kovea Spider along with a windscreen and told her to pick up a gas canister at Two Harbors.  When she returned, I asked how the trip went and she informed me that she blew through a 4 oz. canister by the second day.  I have no idea what she did, but I know that the stove was in perfect working order.  I guess that I need to train her on how to use a gas stove.

    David Thomas
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Woods. Far North.

    Best guess:  She needs to learn how to turn it off:

    As soon as a simmer is reached.

    Between courses.

    Before everything is ready to go and be heated.

    It’s easy for someone who can competently feed themselves in a kitchen to still be sloppy about fuel usage in the field.

    Question: How strict is the TSA for that ferry?  When I’ve taken the Alaska Marine Highway (a.k.a. the State Ferry), it’s kind of TSA-light.  ID check, yeah.  But I wouldn’t have thought twice about throwing a fuel canister in my luggage.

    Alternative: cardboard and wax in a tuna can.  And a large tin can for a pot.  Throw it all away before you can come home.  Dumpster-dive for the cans and cardboard.  Get a huge foo-foo-berry-scented holiday candle at Goodwill.  No liquid or gaseous fuels but you can boil lots of water.

    Paul Wagner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wine Country

    Good suggestion, David….but does it have to be foo-foo-berry?  grin

    David Thomas
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Woods. Far North.

    Paul: I’ve never found large, un-scented candles at Goodwill.  So I resign myself to “holiday spice” “winterberry” and “frankincense” flavors when I want the cheapest-per-pound wax.

    Matthew / BPL


    Seems like a good opportunity to learn about natural consequences and maybe reflect on the scarcity of resources. Definitely don’t solve the problem by sending her off with a larger canister next time.

    I’m sure it’s weird as a well-know innovator in stove design and cooking technique to see your offspring not operate with finesse. I teach typography classes. I’d cringe if my son set a school project in Comic Sans.

    Paul Wagner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wine Country

    It’s an option I’ve never considered, David. But do you ever worry about bears being attracted to your aromatic candles?

    I can’t stand the smell of most of those things…but then, after a few days on the trail, I bet most people can’t stand the smell of me, either!

    Chris Danz
    BPL Member


    I was curious as to the effect using of scented candles in bear country too, Paul. Anyone out there have any experience with that?


    BPL Member


    Classic example on how we prepare our children to meet the outside world ;) Starts with something as simple as teaching how to boil water. ;)  The more children you have, the more you learn ;) The more you burn, the more you learn ;)

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