
Is there a way to DYE Dyneema fabric?

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Home Forums Gear Forums Gear (General) Is there a way to DYE Dyneema fabric?

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    Eric Blumensaadt
    BPL Member


    Locale: Mojave Desert

    Next spring I’m “coming into some money” (mortgage is paid off ;o).

    So I’m lusting after a Notch Lithium.

    I’d like to dye “My Precious” a nice shade of leprechaun green, forest green or avocado green. You get it- GREEN. Is this possible with Dyneema fabric? This is both for more shade and stealth camping. (No lectures, I’ve successfully stealth camped on the AT.)

    Eric Blanche
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northeast US has figured out a way to offer cuben/dyneema in pretty much any color. Not sure how their omni color outdoorink technology actually works but might be worth checking out.

    D M
    BPL Member


    Locale: What, ME worry?

    I believe we talked about dying non-natural fibers a bit ago here…my recommendation was to experiment with the new Rit Dye More product. You can dye anything, including Leggos (c) and plastic buttons with this stuff and it’s worked great for me with nylons and polys. If you do use this product double up on the strength and use a plastic tote and you don’t have to use boiling hot water, just leave it in overnight and stir often.

    Dan @ Durston Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canadian Rockies

    Isn’t the Notch Li already green? I’d call this close enough to a pale avocado green :)

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