I used one in Salt Creek in the Needles, Grand Gulch, and a float on the San Juan from Bluff to Mexican Hat. Used some skinny little willows 2nd night in the stretch past the Government Rapids where you always see Ellen’s desert bighorns. (Eating Stone, Ellen Meloy, great read)
I seriously considered using one in the Wind River Range as it would solve the problem of finding even a sorta flat footprint but decided the storm/wind risk made that maybe not a great idea. If I lived around there and didn’t have to plan a trip months ahead and had a better idea of the weather that would definitely be an option that would open up a lot of campsite options. From what I saw of the Chiricahuas I don’t see why a hammock wouldn’t be great there as well. Gets you off the ground away from the ants, no-shouldered creatures and also those weird/scary little land lobsters with poisonous stingers.