Wanted to share some photos of my woodstove that I enjoy fine tuning. It is made from a thermos lid, a french press plunger, and a 1cup measuring cup. I’ve been swapping out pieces as some of the measuring cups I’ve used rust from the heat and poor quality metal. I combine this twig stove with my Titanium cone that i use with Zelph stoves and it fits my Zelph custom 550ml cup as well as 900ml Vargo Bot. The Ti windscreen also works really well as a wind shield in the flame area, but allowing me to continue to feed the stove. The french press plunger also can be raised with the spring tension, so I can use a denatured alcohol stove and get it at a perfect height when I am using wider pots
By far my favorite woodstove, it’s the most light weight and compact I can come up with, although it needs to be tended every 5-10 minutes, depending on conditions.
Very clever. Raising the spring tension grate to a level so you can use the alcohol burner is so so clever. Doesn’t get any easier than that :-) When you get a chance, put some twigs in it and put the fire to it. Watch the water boil and take a photo to share :)
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