In episode 115 of the Backpacking Light podcast we’re sharing Big Talk about Tiny Things: Those little ultralight bits of gear that have an outsized impact on our experience in the backcountry.
A few choices for light knives. My current carry is a Gerber LST at 16.8g, It’s a nice knife. Opens smoothly and locks precisely. But it lives in my ditty bag because I don’t whittle or slice salami. BTW, in mountain lion country, I take a Spiderco Delica, ready in my pants pocket.
So what’s lighter? The three in the picture are all about the same weight as the 7.7g Derma-Safe. They’re real pocket knives, each with a spring bar that holds (but doesn’t lock) the blade in open and folded positions. Handles are titanium, blades are steel.
All are available from several vendors on AliExpress. Most don’t give weights. Cost and shipping fees vary widely. I got mine from Yes Plus. The site has weights, but some are incorrect.
I think the squarish style H will work for me. It’ll do to cut microcord for emergency shoelaces and guylines. That’s the one that’ll go in my ditty bag.
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