I’ve never actually snowshoed to Dewey or Crocker point. I avoided them in the past due to crowd concerns. Is it that bad or am I just being silly? The views seem like it may be worth it.
Dewey Point is not that far from the Badger Pass parking lot. So during Presidents Week when a lot of folks are out of school and on vacation, on a sunny day you might be sharing Dewey Point with 9 or 10 folks around lunch time. The views are still worth it.
Between Xmas and New Years during some mild snow showers, I was out there by myself. Crocker Point is much further, so there are fewer people. You might also encounter some folks snow camping on the way to Dewey or Crocker.
I have been there in early spring and there have been 50-60 people camping overnight on a holiday weekend. You can also go out to Glacier Point. Have fun
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