I could not find this stated concisely anywhere, so I thought i would post. For example Enlightened Equipment Revelation quilts spec inches of loft for down, but only Climashield oz per square-yard for the synthetic variant. Using Loft-thickness from the various widths listed at RipStopByTheRoll, here’s a regression for other Climashield APEX actual loft heights:
A few notes:
loft thickness scales with weight per sq yard (makes sense, but good to see 3-nines for the R^2). So, a 2 oz/sqyd is ~exactly half as thick as a 4 oz/sqyd.
I didn’t bother adding a zero-intercept, but as expected the intercept is near zero (.01 == 1/100 of an inch)
to calculate: actual_thickness = 0.2382 * weight_per_sqyd + 0.0187
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