The snow and moose took out a section of fence around my dog’s run and normally I’d just go to Home Depot and buy 25 feet of livestock fencing and two T-posts. Â However, Covid-19 shelter-in-place orders are in effect and I wouldn’t be able to get the fencing material down to the ground anyway with lots of snow frozen in place.
I keep a lot of materials around including old crutches as a source of aluminum tubing and fiberglass-rod driveway markers as pack stays, and atlatl throwing darts (and as driveway markers). Â That, lots of ropes and scout knots and I replaced a section of fence.
Paul, I’m actually an okay seamstress. Â I embroidered my own hippie jeans in high school and after I explained to my mother how to sew merit badges onto the sash so they looked best, I found I had to do it from then on.
Never got into bondage, so my fancy rope work is limited to Turk’s heads, barrel hitches, diamond and spider hitches for backpacking without a pack bag.
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