
WM pod 15?

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    Thomas McDonald


    anyone have experience with the now discontinued WM Pod 15? I've admired their Versalite bag for some time but never pulled the trigger. Pod 15 sounds similar to the Versalite w/o insulation on the bottom.


    (on sale for $255 at; only a few oz lighter than the Versalite but at this price?)

    BPL Member



    I bought a similar-design Pod 30 sight unseen to try out — but sold it before actually using it in the field because I just didn't like the design (and therefore didn't want to ruin the resale value by using it). Two things that I disliked about the Pod:

    1. The anchor system. The bag is "anchored" atop the sleeping pad by side fabric flaps, tightened somewhat by elastic cords. The flaps are, however, pretty narrow and don't get below the pad much at all. I had real concerns about draft. Maybe I was doing it all wrong??? Don't know, but I played with the thing quite a few times…

    2. The hood. Unlike Big Agnes bags where the body of the bag is anchored very securely to the pad but the hood is left free to turn from side to side — the Pod seems to be just the opposite. The bag itself is anchored to the bag pretty loosely, but the hood section rests firmly on the pad. I have to sleep with a pillow, but with the Pod, there isn't enough space to insert the pillow between hood and pad — nor is there enough room to place the pillow inside the hood either!

    The bag's material and workmanship are first rate, as one would expect from WM. Given the quality and light weight, I really wanted the bag to work — but was leery about the entire arrangement. I have a strong hunch that I am not alone in feeling this way — given that the Pod design came out only 2 short years ago — and WM has already discontinued it!

    You might still want to give it a try, since BackcountryGear has a good return policy… but for me, I would look elsewhere…

    Lynn Tramper


    Locale: The Antipodes of La Coruna

    We have 2 POD 15s and 2 POD 30s now. Favorite bags. But I took a sewing machine to the pad attachment so I could a) use any pad I wanted to (such as the Torsolite or closed cell foam equivalent), and b) keep the hood free floating to better accomodate a pillow. It was pretty easy, just involved sewing some velcro tabs to the pad 'wings' and gluing corresponding velcro tabs to my sleeping mats. This set-up also make a lot tighter seal/insulation between bag and pad. Truly the most vesatile, warm and light setup ecer!

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