I just returned from a fantastic ultralight fully loaded tour from my doorstep in Eugene, OR down the coast to SFO. I got my dry weight down to 15 lbs (or 34 including the bike). No panniers.
I've been honing my kit list over the past year using the expertise of you lovely BPL folks, and it paid off. I was the fastest, lightest one on the route!
Here's a little sample of my kit list:
Hexamid solo+ with tyvek groundsheet and dac pole stolen from my copper spur
Neoair xlight EE quilt
Homemade penny stove and small Ti cookset (snowpeak)
Minimal, multiuse layers of clothing
Minimal tools + first aid
Minimal rear rack
Granite gear stuff sacks
Yeah- it is my off-the-production-line Bike Friday (my partner used to work for them). Folds and fits into a standard suitcase, but still my favorite bike (out of 5) for touring.
I did no panniers too (check out my profile pic!) for a 1,500 mile tour last summer. Now that it's cold, I have a lot more stuff… probably closer to 25lbs. D'oh!
Yeah- I've admired your rig in the pic. I had to get creative with frame bags, since the BF frame is shaped so weird.
I'm gearing up for snow camping instead of rain touring… Wheels mostly in the summer for me. Skis in the winter!
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