I have done the northern portion of the BFT loop, and am now heading out to do the southern portion. I want to leave my truck at mile 0, and maybe hike to the Naval Run trail to access the BFT. Any idea how far it is from my parking spot down to town and finally to the Naval Run Trail trailhead?
If you're parking at the 'official' parking area on Slate Run, then there's a trail from the parking area right down to the BFT. Go down to the trail, hang a right and you're on your way. You'll pretty much immediately cross a river and then head uphill for a couple of miles.
Hi Doug. I've done the "northern" part of the counterclockwise loop like you're describing. I wanted to do a short loop with some friends, leaving my vehicle at the "Official" parking area, and doing the southern portion, but bailing on the Naval Run Trail. I was just wondering how far it was from that trail back to the parking area vai Pine Creek.
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