Some folks have recently asked about a double pole set-up for the MLD Duomid. Here's some quick photos of my Duomid set-up with Gossamer Gear poles, including their extension for the poles.
This shows the Duo with two poles, GG adjustable with the GG extensions in them. Note that while this is a very low set-up (back corners are pretty much to the ground), there is still about 8" extension left in the poles, so this can go a good bit higher. I was just trying to get this done quickly! Because of that, I also didn't bother with setting up any of the side pull-outs. There are two MLD Superlight Bivies in the Duo just to show space.
Here's an angled view to show interior space a bit better. Rosie the Corgie is not impressed!
Finally here's the normal set-up I use, one pole, no extension, and the MLD Solo Innernet. Happy to answer any questions!
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