
New Episodes of UL A-Z

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    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    Wasn't Devon involved in a scandal with Jon a Blahblablah ? Didn't Jon order a stove and paid and waited and waited and waited ?

    I see a pattern !

    Take money, make people wait, and wait, and wait: KICKSTARTER !

    John S.
    BPL Member


    D = Detachment

    Greg F
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canadian Rockies

    Is kickstarter actually making a purchase? I always saw it as an investment in something and not a guarenteed return. It isnt like ordering something from amazon, there is risk involved. It could be that the entire budget has been spent and their isnt any money left for filming. If that were the case and the money was spent honestly I wouldnt say that their is any theft going on. People made an investment and that investment didnt turn out. The level of risk is why it is funded on kickstarter and not from a bank.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    As a supporter, goods were promised. So it is a purchase if you pitched in with enough. Disc sets, stickers, etc.. were all promised

    Need more info on failed Kickstarter projects and monies.

    Sucks either way.

    spelt with a t
    BPL Member


    Locale: Rangeley, ME

    I thought if projects weren't delevered you had to give the money back–on kickstarter. It's indiegogo where the project head can take the money and run.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    Seems like any money given to kickstarter should be written off, mentally at least. Consider it a contribution to a worthy person.

    If you ever get anything back for your money, consider it a bonus.



    Locale: The Cascades

    "Seems like any money given to kickstarter should be written off, mentally at least. Consider it a contribution to a worthy person. If you ever get anything back for your money, consider it a bonus."

    Kinda like voting for Democrats. Not sure about the worthy part though…..

    David Ure


    I didn't invest in the videos, but I did support Devon. Received my stove in a timely fashion. No issues.

    David Ure


    For all of you that supported the BPL pack rafting videos – how are those coming along?

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    "Need more info on failed Kickstarter projects and monies."

    83% are not completed on time per Kickstarter.

    Thoughts on this charity

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    "Kinda like voting for Democrats. Not sure about the worthy part though….."

    Ha, ha, ha Doug – just trying to get a reaction out of me : )

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    "83% are not completed on time per Kickstarter.

    Thoughts on this charity"

    I have to agree with you, Nick

    I'm not planning on funding any kickstarter campaigns

    It is interesting to see how "the internets" evolves over time

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    We have to be smart buyers. If you fund a Kickstarter project and expect to get a product or service, it is buyer beware. Remember the Backcountry Boiler? Devon delivered, but was way behind schedule. A lot of these projects are by people with little business experience, and they get in over their heads. If they knew what they were doing (good product, business experience, etc.) they would not need Kickstarter, they could go through regular product development. Of course with anything in life, there are exceptions.

    Now if you view Kickstarter as charity, you are good to go :)



    Locale: The Cascades

    "Ha, ha, ha Doug – just trying to get a reaction out of me : )"

    Drats. I see I'll have to be more clever, which, unfortunately, is not my forte…..

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    "Seems like any money given to kickstarter should be written off, mentally at least. Consider it a contribution to a worthy person. If you ever get anything back for your money, consider it a bonus."

    F that. That's too much like enabling. Wait. it is.

    But I shan't Kickstart again.

    Michael Ray
    BPL Member


    Locale: Midwest

    It would be one thing if Hendrik had fallen off the face of the earth like Kooka Bay essentially did, but he continues to update his blog and go on trips so he certainly has the time to make videos. Granted I wouldn't expect a lot to be done during the winter, but he should well know that poor communication his been a major issue at BPL. A couple simple updates on progress goes a long way (for me at least).

    > For all of you that supported the BPL pack rafting videos – how are those coming along?

    Fair. There have been 2 updates since funding. I'd expect another one soon. However, as to deliverables, I don't see a Supporters listing on (est delivery Mar 2013) and I haven't yet received a signed postcard from the crew (est delivery Apr 2013). So I'll give them a C for now.

    Link .
    BPL Member


    I think he is to busy now that he has started a business giving guided trips ,anybody want to prepay for a trip:)

    Stephen M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Way up North

    Someone will pay for it.

    Bob Bankhead
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon, USA

    Well, at least we can't blame BPL for this.

    Or can we?

    I would have appreciated an Admin post along the line of "Due to circumstances beyond our control (the failure of the contractor to deliver the promised articles), this feature can no longer be provided. Sorry about that, guys and gals.".

    Kyle Meyer
    BPL Member


    Locale: Portland, OR

    Hendrik on January 25th, 2013:

    Good morning Kyle,

    and a belated, Happy New Year to you! I hope you had a good start into January and already were able to enjoy the outdoors! I have been indoors myself mostly this month, finishing my Travel Guide about the Pirkan Taival Trail, due to hit the shelves later this spring. However, I gathered some valuable feedback amongst some of you and this has helped me to address what you expect from ULAZ better. First off there's a production schedule in place which you hopefully will be delighted to hear. It should mean more regular videos for your viewing pleasure, starting in February. It also was suggested to give some more advanced tips, which I also will try to incorporate in the next episodes. If you have further feedback or suggestions, please hit reply and let me know!

    Four months later, two episodes have come out and the information in the videos is inane. The videos skip over important information for beginners and provide nothing for the experienced backpacker. For instance, I learned in episode P (for Poles) that trekking poles come in fixed length as well as adjustable length and can be used to hold up a tarp or camera. In episode L (for Lights) I learned that red lights preserve night vision. Here's a secret: everyone already knew this stuff, including people who don't even hike. The videos don't even attempt to explain why anyone should care about the information being provided.

    This video series had an opportunity to be a voice for true ultralight backpacking tips. A thoughtful, personal look into small ways in which we can enhance our outdoor experiences through knowledge, lighter gear, or dual use. Instead, Hendrik took $11,000 (and a lot of good will) from the community without giving anything valuable back. After getting $11,000 from the community, he further leveraged this idea by getting corporate sponsors (including this site). It's easy to assume he made more than the $11,000 and gained much publicity.

    Like Michael Ray mentions above, it'd be one thing if Hendrik fell off a cliff or stopped being active in the community. That's simply not the case. He took our money, bought some new toys, and moved on. Meanwhile, his blog creeps every forward toward a fully paid advertisement for gear he's given by companies.

    I don't normally get worked up about losing $15, but the way Hendrik has handled this has been horrible.

    In summary: RAH IM MAD

    John S.
    BPL Member


    You have to chalk it up to a lesson learned. I am sorry he took advantage of many on this forum. He likely could care less since he has new equipment to further his future trips and earnings. And, he doesn't live in this country. But, his bad Karma may turn on him ; ).

    When considering giving money to others for any reason, think about how you may feel if you get nothing in return. If it will make you angry, do not give to the cause. Kickstarter is a waste of most money.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    That's pretty funny

    I agree with you totally

    Maybe you will get $15 of entertainment out of it?

    Yeah, I think when you give $15 you have to let it go and not expect anything in return. Then maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    Are these all together in one spot somewhere ?

    Are the super slick DVDs sold out ?

    Stephen M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Way up North

    They are on Netflix.

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