
Honeymoon at Isle Royale (Trip Report)

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable Honeymoon at Isle Royale (Trip Report)

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    Stephanie Jordan


    Locale: Rocky Mountains

    Companion forum thread to:

    Honeymoon at Isle Royale (Trip Report)

    Anne Flueckiger


    Locale: Northern Minnesota

    Thanks for the report (and too bad about the unfriendly ranger). Isle Royale was my first backpacking trip (1990), and I'm buying a packraft this summer to expand my options for travel. Best wishes for your future adventures together!

    Dan @ Durston Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canadian Rockies

    Awesome trip. Thanks for writing this up.

    David Chenault
    BPL Member


    Locale: Queen City, MT

    I approve of the purple tie.

    Nice article, too. ;)

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Wow! A really fantastic report there Travis. Thanks so much for putting that together. I'm going to go back and read it again.

    Tad Englund
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    What a great report- and thank you for putting the last picture in-

    BTW Travis, I think you really married above your pay scale- Gretchen is a gem (not to many females would be willing to take this adventure as a honeymoon and really enjoy it)

    Steven Paris
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Well, it's no "Penthouse Forum" story . . . but I guess it will do.

    Seriously, congratulations and what an excellent start to a life being there for each other.

    You have some amazing pictures to share. And, like so many other trip reports about places I probably won't get to in the near future, I immediately open a new tab with Google Maps to follow the story as best I can.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    Great report! Great trip!

    Funny story about the ranger. Some people just have a bad attitude. Good that his negative energy didn't infect you : )

    BER —
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wisconsin

    Congratulations Travis and Gretchen!
    An excellent start to what will hopefully be a lifetime of happiness.
    Wonderfully written report as well, and some awesome photos.

    Mark Ries


    Locale: IOWAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

    Sniff Sniff that was beautiful man Sniff. Your a lucky man Travis very nice trip. Next time bring some water wings and write cost guard approved on them with a sharpie, the look on that rangers face when he asks to see a life jacket… priceless.

    Corey Downing
    BPL Member


    Locale: Denver

    Just a month after your honeymoon is when I proposed to my soon-to-be wife! Was great to see all of the pictures that bring back the memories. A packraft is definitely on my list of future gear acquisitions and this report makes me want one even more!

    Kenneth Knight
    BPL Member


    Locale: SE Michigan

    I took my Alpacka llama to Isle Royale some 5 hers ago and had a pretty good trip. I'm glad others are doing it. I have always intended to return to visit more of the interior lakes like you did. Thanks for sharing.

    Sam Haraldson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gallatin Range

    Another fine trip report from you, Travis. Isle Royale is a pretty dang special place – glad you two went for it!

    ps – this is one of my favorite stats to add to conversations:

    Ryan Island is the largest island in the largest lake on the largest island in the largest freshwater lake in the world

    Steve Meier
    BPL Member


    Locale: Midwest

    Thanks for the write up. I was at Isle Royle a few years ago with my teenage boys with the intention to hike a loop along the shoreline and then back down the spine. We found the shore so beautiful that we changed our plans on the spot and never left the coast. We watched the kayakers and canoers with envy (and packrafters had we seen any), wishing we could visit the islands unreachable by foot. A great way to honeymoon!

    Ike Jutkowitz
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central Michigan

    Awesome. A perfect blend of stunning photography and lucid prose.
    And congratulations- You two look perfect for each other.



    Locale: West

    Excellent trip report, Travis, and even more beautiful pictures. You make me want to buy packrafts (well–I already wanted to do that) and head up to the waters to give it a try. Stunning.

    Tim Drescher
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gore Range

    Despite living in Northern Minnesota for a few years I never got up to the Royale. Thanks for giving me inspiration to do so!

    With the constant pestering/belittling, that ranger would have had to kick me off the island. Good on you for keeping your cool and taking the higher ground!

    Paul Backus


    Locale: Bellingham, WA

    Isle Royale was my first serious backpacking trip when I graduated from high school (2006). We went back again in 2008. I haven't been back yet but it's always been special to me, and I hope to visit again! I wanted to kayak, but it sounds like a packraft might be the way to go, especially after portaging on the last canoe trip I did.

    Travis Leanna
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wisconsin

    Hi all,
    I just want to thank you all for your kind words! I also want to thank Addie and Daniel for working through the publication process with me. They were graciously patient!

    I've not been on BPL for a while but it is solely due to a very busy schedule right now, and not for a lack of interest. I'll do my best to keep an eye on this thread and answer any questions and participate in discussion.


    Philip Poirier


    Wow! Thanks for taking us with you. (Almost) Very well written and great photos. I must say I'm a bit envious of the pack rafts. I have a trip planned for the end of August this year and now, being an avid paddler, I wish I had one for this trip. I guess I just need to make plans for a second exploration! Again thanks for the report and congratulations.

    Kristin Tennessen
    BPL Member


    Locale: Bay Area

    I agree- the Double Rainbow is one of the most romantic accommodations in existence.

    Tim Zen


    Locale: MI

    Awesome trip report. And you are coming up to your one year anniversary.

    Travis, I like how your tie compliments Gretchen's shoes. Very nice.

    Rob Daly
    BPL Member


    Locale: outdoors amap

    Great story. Thanks for sharing. Isle royale is my favorite place to backpack. I've been there 4 times now and it never gets old.

    Gary Dunckel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Boulder

    Thanks so much for sharing this story with us, Travis. Great writing, superb photos, and seasoned by a crappy ranger. We've missed you on the forums, but your trip report makes up for that. Good luck to you and Gretchen!

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