Some of my hiking buddies bring their iPhones along as multi-use items (camera/video/GPS/music etc). I realized it was time to make some lightweight cuben iPhone shoulder pouches. At 0.2 ozs they might be the lightest cuben fiber iPhone shoulder pouches available. . .
Thanks Jason, maybe I should have been a little more specific, something like, 'at 0.2 ozs they may be the lightest cuben fiber iPhone shoulder pouches with adjustable mesh pockets and made by Andy available on BPL!':)
They are currently available in white, green and blue and each pouch is made to fit your particular Apple product.
Got one of those big iPods from 2001? We've got the cuben for that. A cutting edge iPhone 4S? We've got the cuben for that, too. How about a Nano or even an iPad? We've got the cuben. Built to your specifications for $20 which includes a 1 year guarantee.
I even made a mini cuben waterproof dry bag for my wife's Kindle (w/ velcro closure and taped seams of course). Available for $5.
If anyone is interested, here's a link to some gear samples: The Custom Shop
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