Did some bicycling and ski touring yesterday. Fun stuff and I highly recommend it. Did a full write-up on my blog entitled, "Asphalt and Corn: Biking and Skiing" if you're interested, otherwise here are the pictures for you to peruse.
Fantastic commuting. I have to try this sometime even if it's not too practical in my case but just for the fun of it.
When I have to transport my skis in town, I carry them hanging vertically from my shoulders by threading my arms through the handles of the ski transport case. Not too comfortable but simple, quick and still fine for short commutes.
Attaching the skis to the top tube has worked really, really well for me every time I've done it. It's way easier on the shoulder and way easier to pedal than trying to carry the skis.
A popular thing to do here in the Boulder area is similar. Bike up the closed Brainard Lake road to the Mitchell TH (always fun at 10k feet), skin up, ski down and bike back.
I initially rig up my skis the same way, but wear the pack on my back. It is only 3 mile tops, though.
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