Hi everyone…
I'm doing some volunteer work for an event that I thought might be of interest to people here.
It is the Great North American Wilderness Cleanup. http://www.wildernesscleanup.com
The website should be up in full swing next week but I can tell you a little bit now.
The cleanup was started last year by a woman named Nancy Maddock. Last year Nancy ran this event in a small portion of one of our provincial parks and cleaned out a lot of trash. Nancy has teamed up with a fellow named Kevin Callan this year to make this a larger event.
Then cleanup will take place on the Mother's Day weekend. Basically you gather a team (or go solo) and pick a backpacking trail or canoe route that you want to cleanup. They've gathered sponsors so there will be prizes awarded and such.
If you decide to get a team together and participate please email Nancy from the temp site. If you could provide sponsorship of some sort that would be helpful too.
I will post again when the full site goes live.