
GGG at Henry Coe again

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Home Forums Campfire Trip Planning GGG at Henry Coe again

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    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    The more I look around the more I come to the conclusion that Henry Coe was tailor made for our outing. With the ability to hike into our spot yet have a support vehicle access is a great help to us. Not to mention the outhouses and tables and such.
    The rub is that to get 2 group spots for 2 nights is $300.
    I plan on calling the park HQ and see how they feel about hosting us again.
    I need your input. Quickly.

    Eric Lundquist
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Colorado

    Would this be for 2013 or in lieu of Cache Creek?

    Casey Bowden
    BPL Member


    Locale: Berkeley Hills


    Even though I'm not sure if I can make it, I'm willing to contribute right now. I'm pretty sure most other people feel the same way.

    David Lutz


    Locale: Bay Area

    My only concern with hiking so many people in is the number of catholes to be dug. With 60-100 people, that's a big impact.

    That's still true for the walk-in site at Coe, right? But at least it's only for one night.

    As far as the money goes, are those fundraising websites easy to to set up?

    I think it would be better to raise the money beforehand rather try to collect it during the event. Collecting money from a large group is no fun. Set a target amount and raise that from whoever is willing to pay. As long as the dollar figure is met, nobody cares who has or hasn't paid.

    I would just set the dollar amount higher than anticipated to cover contingencies and then bring any leftover balance in beer.

    Ken(s) – Maybe you could delegate this chore to someone so you guys don't have to do everything.

    Speaking of money and trips, do I owe you (Ken T.) money from the last Trinity trip?

    Tony Wong
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area


    If Henry Coe is the best spot and they are willing to take us, I am willing to pitch in money to get this event going.

    I am good for $100.00.

    Hopefully we can have a system so that everyone can chip in their fair share, but I don't want you to be screwed out of money.


    Rick Horne
    BPL Member


    Locale: NorCal - South Bay - Campbell

    I enjoyed Henry Coe and wouldn't mind going back. Also, more then willing to chip in to cover costs.

    Ken Helwig
    BPL Member


    Locale: Scotts Valley CA via San Jose, CA

    Let's see what Ken comes up with today. I am sure that we can use the facility and that a nominal fee charged to each person should not be a problem. Last year Ken and I fronted the money and recouped most of it. If the attendees would like to pay into a Paypal account for the amount of $1-$5 to attend that would be great. If the group exceeds the amount for the weekend then refunds are in order to make up the difference. That is my two cents.

    If that goes over well, then I will start a new sign up sheet contingent upon those that are comnfirmed and have paid. If for some reason someone decides to bow out, refunds via Paypal are not an issue.

    A site like G10 which holds up to 50 hikers cost $75 per night
    Site G09 holds up to 30 hikers and the cost is the same at $75 per night

    We used G10 last year and one other one down the trail

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