
Using a firesteel

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique Using a firesteel

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  • #1263175
    Robert Larue


    I thought that I'd share an effective way to use a firesteel. The usual method involves one hand holding the firesteel and the other holding the striker. Sparks are made by sliding the striker down the length of the steel. Typically these sparks are weak, too far from the tinder, or you hit the tinder and send everything flying!

    Another was to do this is to hold the firesteel and striker normally, but use the thumb your hand holding the firesteel is to firmly press the striker at the tip of the steel. It's hard to describe, so I made a little youtube video. This methods produces a few large, hot sparks directly on your tinder, and rarely sends everything flying.

    Bob Gross
    BPL Member


    Locale: Silicon Valley

    An even better method is to hold the striker on the firesteel at a fixed distance from the tinder. Then, instead of moving the striker, you retract the firesteel.


    drowning in spam


    Locale: SoCal

    Bob, I like your suggestion. I can't wait to try it out. After things cool down and the rains wash fire season away of course.

    Robert Larue


    Watch the video, and try both methods. The pulling back method does work, but it doesn't make the same large, hot sparks as the thumb method. It doesn't really send the spark forward either. It's all personal preference anyways – if you've got a method that works consistently, go for it.

    John S.
    BPL Member


    Nice video Kane. Thanks for sharing this technique.

    Javan Dempsey


    Locale: The-Stateless-Society

    Good technique if you're using a firesteel with an included scraper.

    Wouldn't want to put your thumb on the edge of my knife though unless you had a grudge against your digits. :P

    I use a similar method with the spine of my knife though. I hamfist the firesteel (I use a blank without a handle these days), leaving an inch or so at the bottom, holding my knife in the other hand, edge up, spine corner against the steel, and forcefully push the flat of the blade with the thumb of the hand holding the firesteel.

    Same effect.

    Luke Schmidt
    BPL Member


    Locale: Alaska

    Kane, I like your idea. When you think about it thats basically what you do with a pocket knife when you're carving wood. Same idea basically.
    Another idea. I noticed that the newer firesteels don't have teeth on the steel. My older one does. I tried holding it backwards and using the straight edge of the steel indstead of the toothed striker part. It seem to work a whole lot better.
    If you take kids camping bring a couple of these and a LOT of cotton balls. They'll entertain themselves for a long time lighting the cotton balls. Just make sure they don't light anything else.

    Mountain Warrior


    Locale: Northern Cal

    Great video and technique.

    Thanks for the post!

    Dan @ Durston Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canadian Rockies

    Nice techique

    erik sanchez


    Your 'normal technique' needs some work. If you applied a bit more pressure to the steel and drag the scraper a bit slower you'll get a big shower of sparks.
    Your push cut technique works well though.

    Unknown abc


    Wow!!! Love it, thumbs up and kudos!

    Like Luke said above, it's just like a thumb push cut. Lots of accuracy and control of force/direction. I never thought you could apply that to fire steels like whittling, it's just pure genius!

    On a side note, like erik mentioned, your 'normal' technique needs mod. I would suggest from personal experience that you:

    1) place the magnesium rod on the ground surface directly next to at an angle so as to slightly hover on top of the tinder. This will cause your sparks to land directly on the tinder, greatly improving chances of a light. Also, it will help keep things still, and with a firm, steady grip, you won't be bumping your tinder around and showering sparks everywhere.

    2) like mentioned above, use slow, higher pressure strikes rather than fast, stiff ones. This will produce more sparks showering for a longer time as you slide the striker down (with a firm deal of pressure being applied downward) on the magnesium rod.


    erik sanchez


    Thanks for explaining that better.

    Just a note. I tried this with a mischmetal firesteel and it doesn't work as well. It takes a bit more effort to get some sparks to fly by increasing speed and pressure. However with the light my fire steel the OP technique works great.

    Hikin’ Jim
    BPL Member


    Locale: Orange County, CA, USA

    Niiiice. I'm going to have to try that. Thanks for posting a video. Otherwise, I'd have had no earthly idea of what you were talking about. I guess I'm a visual person. :)


    Alina G
    BPL Member


    Locale: Toronto, Ontario


    I have clicked on your link but it says that the video is not available.

    Thank you.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Robert hasn’t posted in over 5 years. Lot’s has changed with YouTube in the years gone by too. Practice. I like to hold the scraper steady and pull back on the steel.

    Dan Gregerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Bob Marshall Wilderness

    Here is another video of that same technique.

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