these first three where taken on a trip to San Gorgonio up the fish creek trail in june. be patiant this is my first time posting pics.
that is Gorgonio on june tenth 06 about 4 miles up the trail
this is just one of the great views along the way.
when the sun set every thing turned this bright orange for about tweenty minuts.
These next two were from anonther trip to Gorgonio but these were off the Vivian creek trail.
this was taken about 100 yards before high creek camp.
there were hundereds of these lady bug there. does anyone know why that do this.
any way let me know what you think i just started doing the whole photo thing.
ya they were moving so probibly not hibernation. the only thing i could think of is there was some type of food stockpile they were all after. btw, what’s a good way to resize pics, these turned out bad
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