
Lightheart Duo

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    Ryan Tucker
    BPL Member


    I got my LH Duo today. Purchased for duel use…1) Tent for my wife and I when we hike…2) Tent for my wife, 3 year old and me for our short hikes hoping to save up for a Super Mid as she grows bigger.

    Images below.

    Ryan Tucker
    BPL Member


    First Pitch

    First Attempt

    another angle

    Another Angle

    Neo Large and Neo Regular

    Our air mattresses

    90 Degrees

    Are the corners supposed to be 90 degrees or leaning in as it is in my pitch? I couldn't figure out how to get them 90 degrees.

    Daughters Space

    It will be tight with my daughter, but as close as we'll be to the TH this year we can always bail if the weather turns.

    Pole base

    It is hard to tell with this shot, but the area where the pole base is seems to be reinforced, however if you extend the pole to 130 cm per directions it pulls the fabric past the point of being reinforced.

    My initial thoughts are positive for the tent. I like the head room and my size 13 teens don't touch the tent wall even using my neo pushed down toward the base of the tent.

    I like the views when the tent fly is pulled back.

    Bradley Danyluk
    BPL Member


    Thanks for the quick preview! I've been back and forth on whether to buy one for a while. It looks like a better and lighter option than the DR in many ways but the one thing that concerns me as a potential negative is high-wind stability. Any observations in that department would be very welcome.

    Rod Lawlor
    BPL Member


    Locale: Australia

    that never stopped me tossing in my two cents worth before!

    It LOOKS to me like the pitch you have there has either the pole a little too high OR the pegs for the fly (not the floor) a little too close to the tent OR both.

    I've used a Megamid/Megalight for about 15 yrs, and I find that it does need a bit of practice to get used to the pitching. The space and weight definitely make it worthwhile though.

    Marc Penansky
    BPL Member


    Locale: Western NC

    The boxed corners of the bath tub floor should be basically 90 degrees as opposed to the set-up shown in your pictures. Please see the pictures of the Duo on the "photos and links" button on our website. It is hard to tell what the specific problem is from your pictures but one of the issues is that from your last picture, the trekking pole looks to be a couple inches from the wall of the tent. The handle of the trekking pole should be right in the corner of the floor/side wall interface (and yes, there is a cordura pad underneath the silnylon floor at that point to prevent abrasion from the handle of the pole against the ground). The trekking pole should be essentially right up against the side wall of the tent. The best thing to do is just pull out the trekking pole toward the side of the tent to position it correctly.
    With regard to the length of the poles, the 130 cm length is not always optimum but more of a general guide. You should lengthen the poles until you have a reasonably taught pitch and the ridge pole is straight across the top. On a non-level site this may mean you will have different lengths on each pole. But again, the poles must be pulled out to the side as far as they will go with the handles in the natural pocket on the side. The first picture seems to confirm this as the black bath tub floor riser is not taught. Once you make that change, you may have to adjust the stakes to achieve that better set-up.
    Good luck and don't be afraid to contact me if you continue to have difficulties or questions.
    By the way, are those both large (25 X 77) NeoAirs side by side?

    Marc Penansky
    BPL Member


    Locale: Western NC

    I guess I should have mentioned who I was, although I introduced myself on another thread. I am the husband and business partner of Judy Gross, the designer of the LightHeart Tents.
    Another cross check is whether the floor is relatively smooth once the set-up is complete. It probably had some fairly large ridges in pictured set-up. Once you extend the trekking poles out, the floor should pretty much lay flat but not taut.

    Ryan Tucker
    BPL Member


    thanks for the info.

    will retry tomorrow.

    it is a large and a regular.

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