
Sieera Aixorta – Valencia

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Home Forums Campfire Photo Gallery Sieera Aixorta – Valencia

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    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Spain 2010 Morning 1

    Sierra Aixorta 2

    I took these on a recent trip to Spain. The first is near Tarbena, Costa Blanca. The second is a few Km away on the Sierra Aixorta.

    If anyone likes them, I'll put some more up. :-)

    Camera is a 5mp Canon S2IS

    David Lutz


    Locale: Bay Area


    David Lutz


    Locale: Bay Area

    Post 'em…..

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    OK, two more:

    This is Bernia from the side of Aitana above Guadeleste.

    Bernia from Aitana

    And this is the coastal Strip from the steep bit of Aitana.

    Aitana cliff

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    No takers?

    Ok, one more for tonight:

    Towards Sella

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    > And this is the coastal Strip from the steep bit of Aitana.

    Yeah, bit steep with a pack on, for sure …


    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Well it only weighed 10 pounds including some food and water, and we stuck to the path. ;-)
    Here's Kath showing off her plush 4oz inflatable pillow in the Golite Hut1 the following morning.


    And here's the view from our next campsite at El Gullerot that evening. A stunning location next to a small farmhouse restored by our new friend Sjaak. The fanged ridge to the left is El Castellets.

    El Gullerot 1

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    > plush 4oz inflatable pillow
    What does she think of it?
    What brand?


    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    She loves it. So much so, she texted her mate who was leaving Benidorm that day to go and get another one for me. I'm undecided, but it might work well with the BA clearview I suppose.

    It's still in Kath's bag from her visit to her mate at the weekend to pick up the booze and bits we gave her to bring home for us as we passed through Benidorm. Tonight I'll see if that one came in the original box so I can give you the skinny. As I remember, they cost about 2 euros.

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Roger, it's made by a company called bestway. Just air inflated, not self inflating or insulated. Cheap as chips.

    obx hiker
    BPL Member


    What's that in bloom on the lower right hand slope? Almonds?

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Cola, yes, well spotted. They are beautiful at this time of year. White and pink flowered almond trees festoon some of the terraces originally constructed by the Moors during their occupation of Spain. Here's a shot of El Castellets from the other side of the ridge showing more of the trees. In the early evening light they look fantastic, and when the wind blows, you get a 'snow shower' of petals.

    almonds-el castellets

    The track leading to Sjaaks finca (farmhouse).


    And the terrace beside the house with it's wonderful view over the valley below.


    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    > a company called bestway
    Thanks Rog

    And accordingly almost impossible to find via Google or Amazon! Bestway apparently make a horde of pool toys and gadgets – finding a small flocked pillow in that lot has proven impossible so far. No worries, I understand what it is. I think local companies have similar products.


    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Roger, sorry about the wild goose chase. It's quite a heavy guage of PVC. I'm sure one at half the weight would be strong enough. The flocked surface does feel nice to the skin though. I took a bit of inflated packaging material for my pillow, but the Spanish 'campo' made short work of it…

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Here's a couple more shots from our trip, hope I'm not boring everyone.

    El Castellets with Puig Campagna behind:
    Puig in the evening light. This is seriously good limestone scrambling territory.

    Miguel Arboleda
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kanto Plain, Japan

    Here's a couple more shots from our trip, hope I'm not boring everyone

    Rog, please don't keep apologizing. It's great looking at pictures of new places to go around the world. The photos help determine which ones to choose and to get an idea of what is out there. And it's just plain fun to see where people have gone and what they've done.

    Those blossoming almonds look just like the blossoming peaches here in Japan!

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    I'd love to visit Japan. A place of deep culture.

    twig .
    BPL Member


    Locale: Australia

    I have seen those pillows in Big W & Ray's outdoors over here, the suede finish works great to stop your face sticking.

    obx hiker
    BPL Member


    I may have my history wrong but I believe that area was a part of Carthage and the home of Hannibal before the Romans. Who knows who originally built those terraces!

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Cola, I'm sure you are right that earlier cultures such as the Carthaginians, Phoenicians and Romans set up and improved algricultural systems on the Iberian peninsula. I think the Morrish Caliphate probably did the most to improve and extend the irrigation systems prior to the major population expansion of the 1700's in the area.

    "The Moors expanded and improved Roman irrigation systems to help develop a strong agricultural sector. They introduced many new crops including the orange, lemon, peach, apricot, fig and pomegranate as well as saffron, sugar cane, cotton, silk and rice which remain some of Spain's main products today."

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