BPLers GGG: 2nd Annual Point Reyes Bay Area Trip
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Jan 25, 2010 at 12:34 am #1254483
BPLers Gathering of Gear Geeks: Point Reyes, California January 24th & 25th 2010
Palomarin Trailhead 5.5 miles to Wild Cat Camp.
6.5 miles from Wild Cat Camp to Bear Valley Vistor's Center
3 to 2 Days of Gear, Beer, and Banter
Night Time Temperatures: 40 Degrees F, little breeze, light and sporadic showers.
Day Time Temperatures: Cool at maybe 55 Degrees F, Rain, Cloudy, and Sunny.
Link for map:
The UL Backpacking Gods were smiling upon us. After a solid week of rain, we managed to get some great weather that fit in nicely from Saturday and Sunday. Despite some light rains on Saturday night, we could not have asked for better.
Late to the Show & Hitting the Trail Fast at Palomarin Trailhead.
Jay, Jeremy, Cameron, and Tony Carpooled together from the East Bay and arrived at 2:10 PM on Saturday the 23rd. Others had arrived as early as Friday the 22nd.Full Parking Lot.
Moving Quickly on Muddy Trails.
It has been raining the entire week before this trip, so the trails were muddy in certain sections.BPL Boy Cameron.
Cameron is sporting the BPL Thorofare Pants and BPL UL Marino Wool Hoody.Trail Full of Day Hikers.
With the good weather, the hoards of unwashed masses descended from the nearby cities to enjoy the views.Sunny View of the Hills and Waves.
Band of BPL Brothers Sharing the UL Sickness.
Most common response to telling people that we were going backpacking this weekend, "You are doing what in the rain?"One of Two or Three Ponds on the Way In.
Its Not About the Man, it is What His Pack is Made Of.
Blue Pack is Cameron's Gossamer Gear Mariposa.
In the Back is Jay with his Golite Jam.
Upfront and Left is Jeremy with his Mountain Laurel Designs Exodus.Do I Smell Silnylon?
First View of the Campsite. We knew where the go simply by looking for the familiar gray of the silnylon shelters.Casey with Handfuls of Ash from Clean out the BBQ.
Casey was generous enough to haul in 8 lbs of charcoal to help keep us warm tonight.
To Casey's left is Emily, his wife. Ken T. is to the right of the grill and Katharina is sitting down, tending to her stove.Lisa and her MSR Titan Kettle
Montbell Thermawrap Parka.Katharina's Swiss Army Gasoline Stove
Katharina is using a Montbell 600 mugLeft to right: Richard, Mark, Dave L. (background), Sheila, Cameron, Jay, Ken H.
Rob's Cuben MLD Grace Solo Tarp & Soulite Bivy with Cuben Bottom and Momentum Top.
Ken H.'s Ken's Tarptent Virga.
Golite Jam2 Pack, UrSack, and Platypus Water Bottle.David's Tarptent Contrail?
Lisa's Tarp & Bivy.
Marmot Helium 15F Sleeping Bag 1 lb 13 oz.
Tyvek Ground Sheet.Richard's Coleman tent that Tim Marshall remade in lighter materials
Mark's Shelter: What Everyone is Excited About.
Hexamid, made by Zpacks.
Neo Air, What Sleeping Bag, and Ground Sheet?Hexamid, made by Zpacks.
Hexamid, made by Zpacks.
Hexamid, made by Zpacks.
Hexamid, made by Zpacks.
Kevin's 5 Year Old Son, Ryan
Kevin wrote after getting home:
Just got home around 8 pm we left the trail head at 2 pm
and stopped in some highway town for dinner trip meter shows 310 miles from trail head to my front door well garage anyway. Total driving mileage was 627 miles round trip.Josh's Terra Nova Laser Photon.
Mountain Laurel Designs DuoMid in Cuben.
Thermarest Neo Air Sleeping Air Mattress.
David L. borrowed this from Mark V.Jack's Six Moon Designs Lunar Solo with Cocoon pillow, Marmot Atom sleeping bag, Neo Air pad, and the new GooseFeet booties.
Ken's Tarptent Double Rainbow & Home Make Hiking Poles.
Ken Thompson with his home make hiking poles, using carbon fiber golf club shafts and fishing pole handles.Kevin's Montbell Cresent 2 Tent
Provided Food Storage Boxes with Ken H. in Red Jacket.
Happiness is a Charcoal Fire.
With Casey, Jeremy, Cameron, and Tony Collectively Carrying in about 25 lbs of charcoal, we had warmth well past midnight. Many of us huddled around it in the dark to warm our hands and simply to cut the chill from the air.
Left to Right: Emily, Ken T., Casey, and Ken H.Good People, Food, and Drink to Share.
Human Females on the Trail are a Reality, not a UL Myth.
On the Table is a Caldera Cone and Jet Boil Canister Stove.
Left to Right: Jesse H, Jeremy, Cameron, Lisa, Josh, Jay, Marsha(Plus-one), Sheila(Details), and Mark V in BrownTrekking Pole Tripod
Jesse H Using a Real CameraHome Made Wood Burning Stoves.
Left: David L's Home Make Wood Burning Stove Using an Ikea Candle Holder with holes cut into the side to allow for feeding in wood.
Scott's home made bushbuddyWhat is Cooking on the BBQ?
Emily & Casey Brought Shrimp, which they generously shared.
Think the hot dogs were Katharine's.
Charcoal, it is UL- Dual Usage: Cooking and Keeping Warm.Houston We Have Ignition!
Caldera Volcano
When You Cry Over Spilled Alcohol
Partially Melted Caldera Cone
Emily Roasting a Marshmallow By Jack's Headlamp
Tony Putting Rain Gear on Under His MLD Poncho Tarp
Mountain Laurel Design Soul Side Zip Bivy with eVent Top.Sheila & Marsha Making a Hot Drink
Jeremy- Yellow Teletubby sporting 10 oz. O2 Rain Suit
Left in Blue, Ken H. and Lane with Black Jacket.Kevin in Red (???), Jesse H. in Black, and Josh in Yellow.
Master of Ceremony, Ken H.
Jesse, Ken T., and Josh
An Array of Colors in the Darkness
Left to Right: Jeremy, Jack, Kevin, & Richard.Another Shot of the Hexamid
Rob's Cuben Tarp Handles the Rain Fine with a Low End Pitch
Rob: Alternative Way to Pitch the Back End from Ron at MLD
Accidentally Disturbing Lisa
Cuben MLD DuoMid in the Rain
Rain, it's All Good
Richard G. & Jesse H.EJ Gives A Token of Gratitude to Ken H. & Ken T.
Who is This???
The Gathering 1
The Gathering 2
Celebrating Ken H.
The Gathering 3
EJ, Lane, Josh, & Jack
Finding Shelter Where You Can
Pair of Umbrellas
Richard, Jesse, & Ken
Cameron's MLD DuoMid
MLD Poncho Tarps and MLD Bivies
Lisa Packing it Up
Her First Night Using the GG Torso Pad and 1/4 Inch Thinlight PadUL Tent City
Morning Rob
Hilleberg Tent
Jay's GoLite Hex
Mark & His Hexamid & GG Gorilla Pack
Marcia & Sheila in the Morning
Katharina Packing it Up
Lisa & Her Gossamer Gear Mariposa Plus
David Staying Warm in the Morning
Cooking Breakfast on a Cool, Gray Morning.
People Headed Out Fairly Quick on Sunday Morning in an attempt to beat the rain that threatened to come in. In fact, for our group hiking out, shortly after getting to Jay's truck, it started to rain.Rob with the Lightest Pack
I believe that Rob had a 5 lbs SUL Base WeightLisa Heads Out
Ken H with Golite Jam2
Rob & Lisa Moving Out
Back View of Lisa's GG Mariposa PlusKatharina & Tony
Morning Chatter Before Heading Out
Grey Morning Along the Coast
Sharing Lunch Outside of Pointe Reyes
It Always Ends with a Beer
An Amazing Turn Out this Year.
More than Double the People from 2009.
This year we had a co-ed group, couples, a father with his 5 year old son!
They came from as far as the Northern Boarder of California near Oregon and 310 Miles away to the Southern part of California.Special Thanks to Ken H. & Ken T. for making this happen this year and to everyone who came out to brave the bad weather. Looking forward to the next trip together!
Other photo essays by Tony:
BPLer's GGG: Point Reyes, CA. 2nd Annual Trip
BPLer's GGG: San Francisco Bay Area, CA.; Mt. Diablo
BPLer's GGG: Yosemite: Hetch Hetchy Resevior to Rancheria Falls
High Sierra trail to Mt. Whitney
Yosemite: Glacier Point to Red Peak Pass to Lake Merced
Yosemite in Winter: Crocker Point & Dewey Point
Jan 25, 2010 at 2:40 am #1566018 unprocessed jpeg. I wasn't very diligent taking pictures. sorry.
Jan 25, 2010 at 9:19 pm #1566270Josh taking a photo at the arch
Jesse and Richard powering up a climb
Lane taking in the view
Arrived at campsite!
Thank you to both of the Kens for organizing the trip. Thanks to David Lutz for putting together the great memorial hats for the Kens. It was truly a pleasure to meet and hike with so many great people. I can not think of another organization or group of people where I enjoy the company of each individual.
Till the next trip,
David W.
Jan 25, 2010 at 9:27 pm #1566272you had a tripod josh? didn't even notice it when where at the arch… I await some pix!
and I agree with the above, I could not imagine hiking with cooler people, lots of stories, and laughter… really looking forward to hitting the trail with you guys and gals! again
lisa, good luck on your PCT journey, that is an amazing undertaking, I await your trail journal! I forgot to ask you, are you doing it solo?
Jan 25, 2010 at 9:36 pm #1566274Awesome time had by all it seems. Everybody getting along coming from such a diverse group was great! Very nice that everyone was appreciative for the effort that Ken and I put in setting this up. That makes it worthwhile to me and I'm sure Ken feels the same. Took way too few photos. But I don't think I talked that much in two days for quite some time. Special thanks to Sheila and Plus one for a fun time Friday too. Here are some of my shots….
Me at the trailhead.
Glen Camp Drying out temporarily.
Home for the next couple of nights…
Mark Verber and David Lutz setting up at Wildcat.
Joshua Billings' Terra Nova and Mark Verbers' Hexamid.
Talking gear. Co-host (cohort) Ken Helwig and Ricahrd Gless.
Even the kids next door were tarping it. Not a great pitch but at least they're out!
Sunshine on a weird little tent city.
Sky rockets in sight, ultralight delight.. or something like that.
And here's a rarity, Tony Wong sans camera. Cameron and his Duomid in background
Thanks to all who came together to make it a great weekend despite not the best weather. A really great bunch of people! Plus I love the hat!
Jan 25, 2010 at 9:40 pm #1566276What happens at Glen Camp stays at Glen Camp ;) I don't think we had the cameras out much with the rain and later arrival on Friday. Details and Plus one may surprise us though.
Jan 26, 2010 at 12:26 am #1566292Anonymous
Thanks for sharing your excellent photos
Jan 26, 2010 at 8:17 pm #1566622Okay, first of all, where is the SNOW?!? It's January!?! You people live someplace that seems really weird to me!?! Can I end another sentence with exclamations and questions marks?!?
But seriously, having followed your planning for this via the BPL Wiki page it's excellent to see some photographic proof that it got pulled off. The photos of everyone hiking with their UL gear talking about UL stuff and getting together with like-minded folks is great! Way to go.
Jan 26, 2010 at 8:42 pm #1566638Tony # 16 is my Lunar Solo with Cocoon pillow, Marmot Atom sleeping bag, Neo Air pad, and the new GooseFeet booties. Kevin is # 17 With the Montbell
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:28 pm #1566662hey jack,
you showed me your cocoon pillow, but didn't know the weight, any way to throw that on the scale and post your results?
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:39 pm #1566665No problem Jesse. I will take it to work tomorrow and weigh it on our postal scale.
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:41 pm #1566666Thank you to Ken and Ken for putting this wonderful trip together. Andrea and I had a great time. It was a pleasure to meet such a diverse group of people who love backpacking. We got the opportunity to check out so much UL gear up close and ask about it.
Special thanks to Mark and Kevin for lending us sleeping bags and sleeping pads without which we wouldn't have been able to make the trip.
Thank you also to all those that brought extra food, charcoal, etc. There was just so much good food it seems everyone brought extra to share.
It was a pleasure hiking with Kevin and his son Ryan. Ryan is only 5 and did the whole way in with all that uphill, and the trail back, carrying his little pack most of the time. This was a huge achievement for a 5 year old boy. Kevin you should be very proud. His pace on the way in suited us very well as I undertook the trip with a foot injury I've been recovering from. It was the first time I was able to get on the trail in two months, and was so glad I went.
I have fantastic photos and even some video clips to upload as soon as I get a chance. I photographed every shelter and I'm looking forward to know the make and model of each.
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:42 pm #1566667> Okay, first of all, where is the SNOW?!? It's January!?!
A lot of them could have seen the snow as they drove up to Pt. Reyes — the snow was on Mt. Hamilton.
As to weird — Bozeman has had snow on the ground since October, for crying out loud. Winter came in such a strange way up there this year that a lot of the trees still have not figured out to drop their leaves! What's up with that?
— Bob
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:48 pm #1566669Jesse the Cocoon Ultralight Air-core Pillow measures 13'x17' and weighs 3.7 oz. according to the stuff sack. Jack
Jan 26, 2010 at 10:50 pm #1566671Don't you BPLers ever sleep. I can't stay up all night reading post I have to work tomorrow. LOL
Jan 27, 2010 at 6:46 pm #1567017Hey Jesse I weighed the pillow and it comes in at 3.6 oz without the stuff sack it is 3.5 oz hope that helps. Jack
Jan 27, 2010 at 8:00 pm #1567043here are a few pics from the trip hopefully they turned out ok great trip with great people
kevinJan 27, 2010 at 8:06 pm #1567047now
can someone help me with editing my post so the pictures are top to bottom instead of side by side how do i fix this?? never mind jack hooked me up
kevinJan 28, 2010 at 4:01 pm #1567361thanks jack, i might have to pick one up, where did you get yours?
Jan 28, 2010 at 4:49 pm #1567376REI I think it was about $28.00 ouch!!!!!!
Jan 29, 2010 at 1:11 pm #1567658Em and I had a great time. Thanks again to the Ken's for organizing the trip and Tony for posting the photos. Like Tony, Jay, Jeremy, and Cameron, Em and I hiked in from the Palomarin Trailhead. However, we cut down to Alamere Falls so that our last stretch to Wildcat would be on the beach.
As this was a sunny Saturday followed by a week of storms, lots of day hikers made the hike out to Alamere Falls.
This photo was taken standing where the falls go over the cliff, looking north along the stretch of beach we'd walk to get to Wildcat camp. Due to the storms and a high tide, getting around the point while staying dry looked tricky.
Down at the beach, looking south, the falls had more volume than I'd ever seen, but not as much as I expected. In other words, in the future, I would not make a special trip out to the falls to see it after a storm.
Em and I knew we didn't have a chance of making it around the point without getting wet, so we preemptively took off our shoes and socks. We made it around the point dry, but then the tide kept coming, getting me just above the knees and Em just below the waist.
On the hike in we gathered Miner's Lettuce and Watercress, the latter of which is shown in this photo. To provide for a more festive atmosphere, I lugged in a 7.2 pound bag of charcoal, over which we cooked our pasta and grilled shrimp. Although the food turned out well, we wouldn't do it again as it was very slow.
Back at the car, showing off my one finger weight pack and unconventional hiking clothes. Specifically, while changing into my hiking clothes at the car prior to the hike, I started to put shorts over my long johns then decided not to bother. Thus I hiked both ways and spent most of the time in camp wearing only my long underwear (over my usual synthetic boxer/brief underwear). It was very comfortable since when I got hot I could expose my lower leg; I plan to backpack with these 'pants' in the future.Jan 29, 2010 at 1:51 pm #1567671Casey,
Thanks for posting up and putting the captions in.
Loved seeing the falls with more water there than last year.
Next year, you can do the trip report and give me a break. :)
Enjoyed getting a chance to banter with your wife.
When are you going to take you child/children out on a trip?
Jan 29, 2010 at 6:30 pm #1567741lots of cool pics guys
the guys in the red rain jackets were jack and ryan krause
and another thing i noticed in looking at the caldera cone fire pics was that my tent was in the background
that ain t good lol
glad they got it out before it decided to spread my wayi think everyone had a great time and all the pics posted so far are great lots of cool ul gear and especially thanks to tony wong for showing me his cool mld bivy sack
i have been wanting to buy one but was holding off until after this trip now i have a good idea what i want in a bivy so i will get going on it soonkevin
Jan 29, 2010 at 7:42 pm #1567760…..and the reason God invented Esbit….
Jan 31, 2010 at 11:58 pm #1568462OK, so I pretty much just scrolled through the "boring" sceneries — but GEAR PICS — OMG — what a feast for the eyes! Thanks, Tony!
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