
Toilet Paper Free Expeditions

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable Toilet Paper Free Expeditions

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    "The pee bandana has been a total revelation for me!" Go ye therefore and teach all women!

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    I finally read this article and while I can see it might work for most…I would never. While I know a number of other women who use pee bandanas, it is also something I try to not do. It works, Frankly, I am glad I live in a place where I have access to toilet paper. Like vast quantities of Costco TP. Having had 3 kids, if I don't use TP I get bladder infections like clockwork. So I hike with ample TP. I pack it out. You all can do snow, leaves and whatever else….I'll be over there with my jumbo roll of 2 ply. And no, I don't share ;-)

    BPL Member


    I know I shouldn't but I will anyway….. I'm NOT advocating bandanas or bananas or…. >> While I know a number of other women who use pee bandanas, it is also something I try to >> not do Fine so far…PYOP (FLA stolen shamelessly from another recent P thread….) >> Having had 3 kids, if I don't use TP I get bladder infections like clockwork. There are MILLIONS of women in all parts of the world that have probably had more kids each than that that have NO problems not using TP! Not clear that you MUST use TP to maintain personal hygiene. There is water you know….what's wrong with washing with clean water?

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    You do realize that many women in developing countries suffer from easily treated medical issues from having children, right? And that they cannot get the help? And that childbirth causes them to literally rip apart and have bathroom issues for life? So badly, these women are shamed/shunned and often deserted/divorced? For something that isn't any of their fault. Oh you didn't? Right. Well you do now. Maybe go donate to some of the really awesome charities that heal these women, so they can regain their lives? I have. Some of us have had issues that don't need to be talked about in detail (none of anyone's business outside of the husband and doctors) and are lucky to have been helped in life due to the luck of living in a first world country with insurance. I was also born with a defective kidney, for me bladder infections happen in a blink. Urine crystals, swamp butt and a lack of TP trigger it. Water may remove said pee crystals, but it leaves the area WET. Which can lead to yeast infections and yep, bladder infections. Again, TMI…but there are many, many women who have these issues – and you just don't know it. How would anyone know it? For most of the world it is shameful to even talk about it. Again, not everyone thinks TP is an evil. For some of us, it is a blessing. You do your own thing, I'll do what works for me.

    BPL Member


    No need to hyperventilate about "third world countries" and on and on….. Please read again what I wrote in response to what you wrote…quoted again below. ">> While I know a number of other women who use pee bandanas, it is also something I try to >> not do Fine so far…PYOP (FLA stolen shamelessly from another recent P thread….) >> Having had 3 kids, if I don't use TP I get bladder infections like clockwork. There are MILLIONS of women in all parts of the world that have probably had more kids each than that that have NO problems not using TP! Not clear that you MUST use TP to maintain personal hygiene. There is water you know….what's wrong with washing with clean water?" I would never question your choice and did not question your choice("fine so far"). I DID question your justification ("Having 3 kids……") and will question it again! You provided further context and justification….I say TMI! I certainly didn't ask and don't need to or even want to know…. You do as you please (PYOP)…'s your choice – you owe nobody an explanation! Please don't offer justifications that don't wash….(pun intended).

    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    Soap and water is what was used before TP. Now, the only way to avoid infections is to smear the crap into your skin with paper.

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    Not to stir anything up, but I'm not sure why wiping sterile urine with a pee bandana would cause a bladder infection. You keep the bandana on your pack in the sunlight (UV is a great disinfectant), wash it out in a creek frequently…what's the issue?

    BPL Member


    Posts with lots of capitalizations make me think of Steve Carrell. Can't take them seriously. ;)

    Billy Ray


    Locale: the mountains

    "I am always surprised when I see my camping peers walk into the woods for their privacy time, and they bring along their toilet paper." Disingenuous statement (written for effect)… Really? Surprised? How can that be when 99.999% of the people out camping do this??? "Good grief, what kind of wilderness experience is that?" A 'relieving experience' I would say. "Mankind has been pooping in the woods since we climbed down out of the trees, and in historical time, toilet paper (TP) is a pretty recent invention. And, a huge percentage of our comrades on this planet have never even seen TP." How is this statement even relevant? I mean, mankind also did not have down jackets, sleeping bags, air mattresses, silnylon tents… and a thousand other things. Should we give up all those conveniences? The people that adopt this practice of no toilet paper are welcome to do so, but I think a lot of their motivation is just to be 'holier than thou'… especially the ones who preach it like in this article. What they don't point out is that on popular trails certain plants would be stripped of all their leaves for the entire length of the trail if everyone adopted this… how is that LNT??? I see no problem with TP… It's a great convenience… like shoes and down jackets and backpack stoves, etc. I burn mine where it is safe to do so and there is maybe 1 square inch or two of it that does not burn… easy enough to bury along with the 'loaf'. If it is not safe to burn, I pack it out… a really simple thing to put it inside a plastic bag… not a big deal… pretty much like packing out any other trash. Billy

    Dave P


    It's Mike Clelland. His books and articles have the same tone repeatedly. He sort of became the butt of the joke in the camping / hiking community for gram-counting.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    and his new thing is UFOs

    BPL Member


    Locale: Rainy Pacific Northwest

    I think the simplest way is as follows:

    Clean area using TP, put TP in zip bag.  Soak a small soft sponge full of water, squeeze to let water drip down over the area for further cleaning.  Small amount of Dr Bronner’s soap on finger, clean area.  Wipe soapy area with water-soaked sponge, squeeze out sponge, soak again (using smart water bottle in your non-wiping hand), repeat until area (and sponge) are free of soap.  Use tissue or paper towel to dry area.

    Now your on your way,  singing out loud “The hills are alive, with the sound of music”.

    Lowell k
    BPL Member


    Instead of using your bare finger, and instead of TP, you can wear a surgical glove. You can use the index and middle finger to do the wiping (works better than your bare fingers) and pull the ring and little finger to remove the glove. You can clean the glove pretty well by flowing water over it before removing it. The glove can be kept in a baggy and as long as you do not get the inside of the glove wet it can be easily put on again for the next usage.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Rainy Pacific Northwest

    Using a surgical glove would definitely add another layer of protection.  Good point.

    However, toilet paper is absorbent, fingers or glove-clad fingers are not.  Therefore for me the choice goes to using toilet paper, like I do at home. Instead of trying to squirt water from the water bottle accurately, the small sponge method is easier.  It uses less than a cup of water for several sponge soaks, wipes, and wrings.  I could pour boiling water over the sponge if I want to totally sterilize it, or put it in a small baggy with aqua-mira and water.  I didn’t mention it above, but it does without saying that after one is all done, wash the hands again, then add alki-gel.  Furthermore, don’t eat any food with fingers.


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